Eggs Woodhouse

Years and years of more-than-daily mass shootings.

I have compared him to Hitler. Maybe not in conversation, but in my heart of hearts. I even see Hitler superimposed over him when he speaks.

I don’t mean to compare Trump to Hitler.

We’re not sorry.

Born in Afghan. Okay, sure... Blanket, rug or dog?

He is capitalizing on this tragedy in a way that should pave his path to hell.

You know the toilet in Trainspotting? That’s what he is.

I couldn’t even watch it all. Just so exploitative and disingenuous. I know everyone is saying this, but I just wish this could be over and we could just fast forward to Hillary winning. I'm so sick of everything related to Donald Trump and I want him out of my life.

He’s a troll who’s posting this same comment in every thread. I’d suggest just dismissing.


I wish this was real more than I wish Trump would fall into an open manhole with his tiny fingers being too weak to prevent him from tumbling into the river of raw sewage below.

Just in time for the latest reasons to lose faith in innate human kindness — the FTS (Fuck This Shit) Bunker is now open for the summer season. The a/c is working this year, and utilities are once again being unknowingly donated by local churches and mosques.

Thoughts and prayers right?

We DEFINITELY need a world leader that ranks women (including his children) on a scale of one to ten, based on their fuckability, and thinks everyone should have a right to buy assault rifles. THAT will fix it!

Getting real tired of men thinking it's OK to take their rage out on others.

I can’t decide whether I’m devastated, angry, or just fucking numb.

scalpers are why Hamilton is so expensive to see. If Ticketmaster actually did something to prevent bots from purchasing tickets en masse for resale, regular joes could afford to see the show.

Also, the acting awards that didn’t go to POC went to geezers, which warmed my old lady’s heart.