Eggs Woodhouse

Good news! The parts of Alexander Hamilton’s life that involved radical Islam and FBI surveillance have been cut from the play as well.

Life is complex. More than one issue can apply.

I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

While I’m nothing more than an ally to the LGBT community, I typically always try to go to the DC pride parade. But today my mom begged me to not go and she has awful anxiety when it comes to things like this so I stayed home unfortunately. I did donate some money to the go fund me page but I still feel bad about not

Thanks for this space. I’m having a really hard time with this. I just keep thinking about being in my early 20's and going to gay bars for the first time and feeling so elated to be in such a fun and SAFE feeling space, to really feel a sense of community and to be able to let loose in a way that normal spaces would

I just keep thinking about this mother who hasn’t heard anything about her son. I want to believe the son is okay but I’m not feeling optimistic.…

My 26-year old son is in L.A. for vacation and was going to Pride today. I kind of almost had a panic attack when I saw this, combined with thinking about Orlando since I saw what happened at 7 am today.

Too early to say but it wouldnt surprise me to find that this had been planned prior to the Orlando tragedy.

Sometimes I put a leash on my semi-automatic and just drag it around the neighborhood. It likes to shoot and trees. Sometimes it tries to go after cars so I have to give it a stern talking to. NO SEMI AUTOMATIC. BE A GOOD SEMI AUTOMATIC OR I WILL PUT YOU BACK UNDER MY BED.

“Despite rumors that the LGBT Pride parade and other related festivities would be called off in light of the mass shooting in Orlando....”

Gun nerds: Remember to make sure to debate exactly what kind of a gun an AR-15 is and point out that it is definitely not an assault rifle which matters for some reason or other.

It was an act of hate that wouldn’t have been possible without this, an AR-15.

That, plus his knowing that Congress would never let him enact the gun control we need, has to way on him heavily.

It’s a kind and normal statement/gesture, and I guarantee that it’s comforting to many family members and victims/witnesses. IMO, it takes work to be offended by “God bless you.”

Probably because that’s what he believes, but also because if he didn’t say it, that would be proof of various idiotic conspiracy theories.

It will be interesting to see the people who hate both GLBTs and Muslims tie themselves in knots over this tragedy.

He sounds and looks just as resigned and numb as I feel. This is the eighteeth time he’s had to make this kind of statement in his presidency. Eighteen times. God.

Definitely in his top 10 post-massacre speeches.

Except for all the people who ran straight to the blood bank.

gurl rly