Eggs Woodhouse

“if your brother-in-law was going to assault his daughter, it would have happened already”

I’m not sure she should tell the daughter. I’m more inclined she should talk to her sister about it.

Sweet Jesus - if not for the Pennsylvania, I was certain this letter was from my wife. The only difference is that her niece is only 19.

It’s really difficult to give advice on this without more information. Depending on the relationship she has with her sister, I would tell the sister and see what she wants to do.

She's not allowed to answer questions about rape anymore.

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Termination of a pregnancy at 36 weeks is called “birth” and that person is called a “loon”.

I wish I’d taken a screen shot of this Facebook post I had on my feed this week. A woman posted a pic of her baby born at 36 weeks with a comment along the lines of “And Hillary Clinton wants to make it legal for women who are 36 weeks pregnant to abort their baby. She’s a monster!” I posted to that complete stranger

Well two important things happen at the federal level:

We know that restricting access doesn’t make women less likely to end a pregnancy. It just makes abortion less safe. And that then threatens women’s lives.

That happened over a hundred years ago when the republicans were a different party. I'm not sure if the people who used to be republicans would support the modern incarnation.

I love this blog, mom!

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on the planet. Malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, west nile, and a whole host of other arboviruses... AND THAT’S JUST THE SHIT THAT ONE GENUS OF MOSQUITO SPREADS.

And this, ladies and gentlemen and trolls, is how the zombie apocalypse starts.

This is the first time since I’ve been a Democrat that I feel like my party is filled with a plethora of strong leaders. Obama, Clinton, Warren oh my god they are all killing it! I’d even include Bernie in there though I know he might balk at being listed as a Democrat.

I particularly enjoyed her point-blank response to the question about Ed Rendell’s remarks that she is in no way, shape or form ready to be commander-in-chief. No justifications or qualifications in her answer to the question of if she thinks she could be, just simply, “Yes, I do.”

Would watch

Melania, go back to reading Plastic Surgery Today. No one cares what you think.

Hey look, it passes the Bechdel Test!