Eggs Woodhouse

I hope Campaign Obama stays along the same lines as Don’t Give a Fuck Because I’m Almost Done With This Stupid Job Obama, because that guy has been a hoot.

Besides, Sarah isn’t being “misrepresented.” That sounds a lot like “SHE’S NOT REALLY GAY YOU GUYS.”

“Your teen needs to know they are safe and loved, regardless of their lifestyle choices or beliefs,”

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

This surprises me not at all. I’m a big Clinton supporter, but I haven’t put a sign up in my yard. I stopped posting stuff on FB. I rarely, if ever, commented on posts because the hostility was awful. The worst I think was a young woman who called Clinton many names, but capped it off by calling her a cunt. There’s no

I just want to say how awesome it is that our country’s first black president just endorsed our (hopefully) first woman president.

Trump don’t want none of Michelle.

I am looking forward to Madam President but I am really going to miss Obama. Such a dignified man. Proud to have him as my President.

Dear Mr. President, Thank you. I am going to miss you terribly. You done good sir. You handled the hate with immeasurable strength and dignity.

Thanks, Obama!

Twitter has really improved this election.

I said the same over on Gawker...

I’m certain the legal process they’re referring to is an attempt to emancipate her.

I would assume if the court rules that she can’t be kept at the “camp,” she would have grounds for emancipation from her parents. Hopefully they raise enough money that she can be set up sans asshole parents for a bit.

So essentially these parents have thrown their daughter away. When she gets out she is never going to speak to them. It would have been kinder had they just kicked her out. At least she could have gone to the family members who actually care for her.

I’m so glad for Sarah that not all of her family are shitlords. My heart breaks for the kids at the facility that aren’t that lucky. All of these military-style/hard labor camps for “troubled” teens should be illegal, they're abuse straight up.

Did you know there is no such thing as a true vegan? Even vegans eat animals. In fact, vegans and vegetarians eat a lot of animals. Possibly more than omnivores do.

Funnily enough, the current Reddit Consensus (tm) about Pao is that she was basically the fall-guy (gal?) CEO. They bring her in, she makes a whole bunch of changes, user shit-storm happens, they fire her, bring back the old CEO, users rejoice, and in their giddy joy, they conveniently fail to notice that the new

‘Oh, that is great! we are really happy for her and totally support her!’ Said every tech bro ever.