Eggs Woodhouse

My newsfeed says you are very wrong. I know a lot of Sanders supporters who are currently ranting about how wrong it is that the media threw the race to Clinton, that they hope he stays in it until the convention (and somehow will manage to get the nomination despite not winning it) and will write his name in in

Read an NYT piece where Howard Dean talked about conceding. He said in 2004, he got a call from Al Gore. After Dean ranted for a few minutes about the process and the system and how it was all rigged against him, Gore cut him off and said, “It’s not about you. It’s about the country.” Dean was so abashed he conceded

Exactly. I’m a Sanders supporter but god damn it if I’m gonna let Drumpf in the White House door. I’ll take a million Hillaries over one cheeto-dusted baby hand.

They exist. I know at least one personally. He’s a piece of shit. It’s all a lot of complaining that the system is rigged and we need a revolution, and whatever bullshit. Like, MOTHERFUCKER, we live in a country with actual elections, a stable government, and the fucking rule of law. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT

It’s the equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum and mashing their PB&J into the carpet because they wanted it with the crusts CUT OFF, DAMMIT!

A woman I’m friends with on facebook who I know from work is a frothing at the mouth Sanders supporter - endless memes, right wing talking points, conspiracy theories, you name it. She posted something this morning that was basically like GOOD TO KNOW I CAN MURDER SOMEONE AND LIE TO SOME OF MY FRIENDS’ FACES AND

I didn’t expect to be THIS excited about having a female nominee. But I’m pretty fucking excited. Can you guys imagine if she wins? If Hillary wins, that means, in 2020, all children who are under the age of 12 will have ONLY ever lived in a time when their president was a either 1) a woman or 2) a black man. That

I am very much the reluctant Hillary voter but I swear to Birds on Podiums I have lost some friends the past two weeks because they said they were going to write Sanders in even after his inevitable loss in California. This was it, folks. California made their choice and we have to play along. It’s over. This is a two

I am perfectly ok with voting for Hilary. I just hope she is able to recognize that votes of necessity are not the same as votes of support/trust, and she will have to win people over during her presidency.

This is super hilarious, because “I guess I’m with” is the majority of people the majority of elections.

The support won’t flip overnight, and nor should it. Asking large blocs of voters to switch gears is never an easy process. It’ll take Clinton, Sanders, and (especially) Obama, former Senate colleagues all, some time to stitch this back together.

As a side note I’m enjoying dismissing all the angry hurt feelings her nomination has wrought. We have a WOMAN this close to the presidency! I remember being a kid in the ‘90s wondering why there hadn’t been one already.

#GirlIGuessImWithHer Protip: Just imagine that a large number of those awful “Hillbots” (and BernieBros, while we are at it) on the internet are actually AltRight trolls* purposefully trying to divide the left, either because they are Trump supporters or because they are just intolerable assholes. Voting for Hillary

God, it just reeks of privilege and fucking idiocy...I just can’t with people. If you wanna watch the goddamned world burn, you must be one of the privileged to have a fireproof suit...

Normally the nomination of a woman for a national party ticket would get a full throated YAZ KWEEEN! from me, but the woman being Hillary, I shall merely golf clap and whisper a polite Yes Queen.

She is the only person I have ever liked better because of Twitter. She’s so goddamn good at Twitter.

Back in 2004 a liberal/libertarian friend bragged that he was going to vote for Bush because he wanted people to see “how bad this country could get” if we put another Republican in power. It makes me sick to think that people torpedo progress because it doesn’t fit their idealized view of the 100% perfect progress.

I love Chrissy Teigen so much.

...and someday you can look back and know that you did your part to stop an orange cloud of fascism from taking over your country, even if it wasn’t you who stood the most to lose.

#GirlIGuessWeGotALIttleSpoiledWithObamaAndThisIsWhatElectionsAreUsuallyLike #lesseroftwoevils