Eggs Woodhouse

What the hell is up with that anyway? When I’m driving my car, I see a motorcyclist, I give them a very wide berth for their safety.

My sister’s best friend Carl was hit by someone and dragged many, many feet before his body was dislodged and left along the side of the road. The police were able to determine where he was initially hit because of some tire tracks and some bloodied personal effects. Of course, they knew where the body ended up. One

Hit-and-run is truly one of the most despicable crimes there is. You kill someone, and you’re just going to run away? Homicidal coward.

Glad they got him. The SOB who killed my cousin in a hit-and-run in March hasn’t been caught.

I honestly never would have known about it except we were watching a movie that depicted a sexual assault in detail, and he just burst into tears.

I have a friend who stopped a sexual assault, and he says it’s a difficult thing to for him to deal with (though far less difficult than for the actual victim, of course). While he knows he did the right thing and did the best he could, he just wishes so badly that he could have entered the room just a few minutes

In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

They are heroes in the truest sense. They saw something and did something and proved that every action has the potential to change lives.

I love the decency and class these two have displayed from the rescue to now. They've never wanted attention, and instead said read her letter. I love Jonsson's words.

“and comes as close as you can possibly get to putting words on an experience that words cannot describe.”<<<<< - those are beautiful words, too, and wonderful that he shared her words, in full. Just awesome.

See, fellow dudes? Women DO acknowledge a nice guy when he’s a GENUINELY A GOOD GUY!

Normal expected everyday behavior would be not raping/being raped.

I feel so strongly for these men. In her letter she writes that one of them was so overcome with tears that he could hardly speak after he found her. It’s clear that they experienced a lot of heartache during this process themselves.

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

The mothers of these two men must be so proud of them.

Seriously, these guys are amazing. Unfortunately because of some psychological reasoning or whatever, people aren’t inclined to help others. But these guys did and they truly are heroes for it.

They are absolutely heros but how sad is it that we live in a world where two men who stop another man from raping an unconscious woman is considered heroic, rather than just normal, expected every day behaviour?

How much more evidence of his guilt do we need before his supporters accept the obvious?

These beautiful, brave men. words can’t express. I can’t stop thinking about where she wouldve ended up had they not stopped. I will make sure we laud these 2 as heros to my little son and daughter when they are old enough to hear the account. I love these men. thank you, swedes on bicycles.

I kinda wish there was video of him tackling Turner. So I can watch it on repeat.