Eggs Woodhouse

*ahem* “I would have taken it down, too”

Yeah, racial issues wouldn’t exist if those who are negatively affected by white supremacy would just shut up about it, right? And to compare what kinds of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic things FB regularly tolerates to their deleting a true statement about an actual convicted rapist is just sooo inappropriate,

I would have taken it down too. I’m is spelled with an apostrophe.

I know. When I read that line in the article, my jaw literally dropped. He wasn’t coddled? Persky wasn’t lenient? The fuck he wasn’t (on both counts.)

Related: Years ago, a friend of mine here in France was married to a French high school teacher. They had a daughter. By the time their daughter was two, the wife left her husband because she suspected him of molesting their girl. She tried, during divorce proceedings, to get sole custody for this reason, or at least,

he was also a Stanford athlete... part of the brotherhood. He absolutely had a conflict of interest.

Wait - if the judge is a Stanford alumnus, why was he allowed to try the case? Shouldn't he have removed himself from it because of his connection to the school?

Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never

Anyone else find it particularly crazy how that Leslie Rasmussen chick and her band Good English is actually suffering from more backlash/punishment than Brock Turner will ever see? No, just me? I bet she’s reeeeeeally reevaluating that “friendship” right about now.

Here’s a better mock-up

The Daily Beast said Persky “coddled” Turner; the petitioners said the sentence was “lenient.” Yet they’re both wrong. The truth is that Brock Turner will spend more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists.

Human rights violations, polluted water, unfinished facilities, hastily constructed (probably dangerous) facilities, kidnappings. All handy reasons to avoid the olympics this year. And THEN you throw a little Zika in the mix. This is a disaster from top to bottom.

I found this way funnier than I should have.

I still don’t understand why they aren’t at least being postponed. Do they really not see the harm of having a major international event right where this virus is being spread? You will have people from all around the world gathered, odds are a decent amount of those people will contract the virus, and then travel

I don’t think this girl understands the actual horror and trauma of rape. She says that she isn’t directly blaming the victim but then goes onto say that the victim isn’t a “real victim” of rape because her attacker wasn’t hiding in the bushes and jumped on her while walking to her car. This girl makes no coherent

Hi Leslie

Your old school chum Brock wasn’t held by the Swedish bikers “in case he was attempting rape”. He inserted his fingers into an unconscious woman’s vagina* WHICH IS, IN FACT, ALREADY, SEXUAL ASSAULT. I apologise if you’re not clear on this as it’s frankly not something society is at pains to make people fully

For a lot of assholes they take it to mean ‘Having people be angry at me for saying and doing completely innocent things!’ when it really is: “Being held accountable when you do and say TERRIBLE SHIT.”

So she’s admitting he’s a rapist but still doesn’t deserve punishment? Okay then. She’d probably think differently if it was her naked unconscious body that was violated by someone. Apparently she’s in a band called Good English. They just took down all of their social media sites. Something tells me they won’t be

Leslie Rasmussen and her band Good English are headliners of the Dayton Music Art and Film Festival in September. Go to their Facebook page and tell them RAPE APOLOGISTS should not be the face of an inclusive, celebratory event.