Eggs Woodhouse

“Oh, fuck... Something’s actually going badly for me for the first time in my life! What did I do to deserve this! Daddy, saaaaaaaaaaaaave meeeee!”

Have you seen the letter to the judge on behalf of his rape apologist friend Leslie Rasmussen? It's all boys will be boys, and college is to blame, and the victim should not be blamed but...then she goes on to blame the victim and talk about real rape vs. college rape, and how she knows him better than anyone and he's

I fucking hate this guy. BTW sign this petition!

“anything remotely black”

Oh shut the hell up.

Remember when you could join a cult without being in peak physical condition?

Some people are referring to him as Cassius Clay in a weird hipstery attempt to act like they followed his life. Like, “I knew him before he joined the Nation Of Islam.” But they are so, so dumb.

you are stuck on this and your attempts to use it as an explanation to what is probably your own racism is transparent af.

Thank you for this article every single time a black legend has died this year I hear that transcended race statement and it makes me angry because you didn’t hear anybody say that about Bowie so why is constantly being said about Prince or Ali? Its an insult to a black person to hear that their hero transcended race

Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.

That’s just your eyes doing a soul cycle.

I don’t know quite what is wrong with me, but for some reason any time I see the word SoulCycle, my eyes just do this huge roll. Any ideas?

I don’t know. Jon Stewart and Steve Carell both left their jobs because they wanted to spend more time with their families. They didn’t call them “parental responsibilities”, but is it not the same thing? Banks could obviously afford to have someone help her with the children, but she wants to be there more often I

Her desire to both work and parent the way she sees fit is what we’re all striving for.

1. When I was in third grade, we weren’t allowed to wear hats of any kind inside, and I went to public school. The policy went so far as to when I decided to wear my dad’s science-safety goggles to class I was told to remove them, the hat policy was cited (I was a weird kid). Don’t make it about politics, make it

Free Logan’s Dog!

Two things:

Sometimes I think a certain brand of conservative is actually a cylon model. Every time some Jim Crow-missing asshat dies, he/she resurrects as this kid.

I like the kid’s dog. But really, if the hat was that distracting, why didn’t they just treat it like a girl’s tank top or shorts?

It’s depressing when the only reason that hate speech is being excused is because the person espousing it is running for President. Good for this school.