Eggs Woodhouse

I’m pretty sure you can do it anywhere. (It’s advertised pretty regularly here in Massachusetts, since opiate and heroin use are out of control these days.) If not a police station, you may be able to drop them at a pharmacy as well. If those places don’t collect them in your area, they can probably give you info on

I chose my pain management doc because a lot of the reviews online were people complaining she wouldn't prescribe pain meds. I didn't want to see someone who was just going to throw a script at me and wait to see me for follow up visits.

Of course no rule is without its exceptions. I don’t know what your situation is, so I can’t comment on it, but if you are happy with the results of your regimen, then that’s wonderful and I am honestly happy for you. It’s also exceedingly rare. There is no evidence for the efficacy of long-term use of opioids for

I mean do you remember when that ad ran during the super bowl for a medication that is strictly for constipation caused by opioid painkillers? I knew that as a nation we had a big problem, but when I saw that ad I remember thinking “holy fuck, we’ve got a huuuuuuuuuuuge problem.”

I lost two aunts to prescription drug abuse - one was bipolar and OD’d on a cocktail of prescription meds, and the other OD’d on morphine patches. Each left behind two children, and not much else. One had an inheritance in the low six figures, nearly all of which was gone upon her death, likely spent fueling her

My pain management Dr told me he only prescribes opiates if you’re near death. I told him Jesus was coming for me. I did not leave with opiates that day. I was fucking miserable until I had back surgery (weaned off post-surgery opiates within 2.5 weeks), but I am happy he stood his ground.

As the child of an addict I am pretty deathly afraid of getting hurt, requiring surgery, and getting addicted to pain meds. I drink socially and there is no concern for me with alcoholism, but I’ve taken some pain meds in the past and I can easily see myself going down that rabbit hole under the right circumstances.

Prescription opioid abuse is the most widespread, most damaging drug problem in the country, but let’s keep debating whether or not to legalize marijuana.

No. All I choose to see is this, forever. Freddie Mercury left to go form a new awesome planet that could hold their genius and took Prince and Bowie this year to get the party started.

PREACH. Got the mom cookies from Colorado. She’s a damn square and is SO freaking grateful for a night’s sleep and relief from arthritis. We wish we’d had the stones to do this before.

In all seriousness, the over-prescribing of opioids is a serious problem, and I will eat my hat if this doesn’t unleash the litigation wave a la tobacco.

I know that we shouldn’t be surprised by it at this point, but when news first broke of his death I’m pretty sure this is the last fucking thing that anybody expected. 3 years 6 months 24 days for me since my last hit of dope and my heart is truly with anyone out there reading this that is still suffering from this

I got into a heated argument yesterday about situations like these. I was telling a male acquaintance about an idiot I dated who said if his 15 year old daughter was dating a man in his 30s he’d try to give the guy a chance because he’s “open minded” (that was the last time I saw that dude, obvs). That led male

I recently met someone who went to the same high school as I did. She was a couple of grades ahead but we played “jewish geography” until we stumbled onto a few people. Then she asked me if I knew X. Well, I did, and I also knew that he, at 17, had been involved with a 23 year old teacher. I didn’t offer the info. She

Don’t get me wrong, this woman is disgusting, but what I can’t wrap my head around is the parents accepting their “relationship” which wasn’t a relationship it was sexual abuse.


Not “sex.”

It isn’t even the ignorance or stupidity, I think - my mother once pointed out to me, citing a family member as an example, that people who don’t take responsibility for themselves or their lives tend to age well. No real stress, when nothing is ever your fault or even your job.

I’m not aware of any current or proposed gun control laws that would prevent her from having a gun.

From Clueless to Conservative