Eggs Woodhouse

In other news I’m about to make a birthday cake for my boss with a cute little piggy on top. Her daughter emailed me last minute and asked since she had seen some of my cakes on Instagram. It’s going to be almond cake with roasted cherries and whipped cream filling with chocolate ganache on top.

Oh my god. This poor woman, her poor family, her poor daughter. As someone who works with foreign students and exchange visitors, there’s something particularly awful to me about the loss and violation a family suffers when they lose a daughter or son to violence in another country.

Yes, my husband’s mild emotional abuse became extreme after we had our child and I suffered horrible postpartum depression. He would claim to be doing everything “right” and get angry when I didn’t start getting better immediately. I became a symbol to him of his failure and he hated me for that.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”

This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”

I’m just as tired of these dire threats of men dressed as women bathroom rapes as if it were a real thing.

I’m just so tired of talking about where/when/how people pee. It’s exhausting. Unless you’re in to that sorta thing.

Ah, but why would a company hire 20 people for 20 jobs when they could squeeze 20 jobs’ worth of work out of 15 employees who are so desperate to keep their jobs that they’re afraid to say no?

Well – the other trick of that is that they only give those gigs to trust fund scions, because they’re the only ones who can afford to work those hours without getting paid in the cities where that kind of work is in demand. So you have the added “benefit” that

When did paying people for their work become “anti business?”

I run a small (tiny) business, and really, this law is looooong overdue. Pay people for the work they do or for the hours they work, and stop making excuses about how this will hurt - think of the people working long, hard hours for minimal compensation. If overtime is expensive for the employer in dollars, it is even


its her shtick, talking about booze a lot, otherwise she is not funny. Sometimes she reminds of SNL Drunk girl at the party, you wish you haven’t started conversation with.

I’m hella pregnant right now and anything sets me off, but oh my god. Like, actually crying. WOMEN PROTECTING WOMEN, Y’ALL.

I’m not crying. Nope.

I still enjoyed the first Pirates movie, though.

If my husband smacked me in the face, having some lady time with my close friends the next day is EXACTLY what I’d be doing. This pic is proving practically the opposite of what Johnny thinks it proves.

It makes me First Degree Murdery. My aunt was married to a guy who is still doing time for kiddie porn (he was grooming his daughter in the process as well.) I hate him. I mean I genuinely hate him in that I want him dead. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, shit, I’d make s’mores I hate him so. When he finally