Eggs Woodhouse

I was expecting the link between the erosion and climate change to be from a 3rd party assessment. The fact that they explicitly admit it is... impressive hypocrisy.

Have we used “Stale Circus Peanut” yet?

I’m a Jennifer born in the late 70's to a mother who SWORE she didn’t know anyone else who was naming their daughter Jennifer.

There are a shocking amount of people with my name on Facebook. Many are in France (I am not French or French-descended). There’s also an ob-gyn in Texas, an architect, and someone who is the CEO at “Brayden and Rylie.”

There’s a woman with the same exact name as me that lives in the same area. My first name is spelled a popular name but spelled so uniquely that it’s not common. She has the same spelling for her first name, the same exact last name, turns out we have the same primary care physician, and we both work in Early

My name is unusual, and only one other person shares it. She emigrated from Sweden about 110 years ago. (I saw her name on a boat manifest headed to Ellis Island.) There’s no connection, either familiar or geographical, so I like to think I’m a time traveler.

There is only one other person in the country with my name. We both have worked in similar jobs and we once had offices about two miles apart.

You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?

This is criminal negligence for which he should be going to jail, it kinda just goes without saying that that’s the end of visitation to me. You put a loaded gun on the table with 3 small children there and leave the room, it’s not really much different than pulling the trigger yourself.

I’m sure he is “devastated” but he should also be charged. A child is dead and two more traumatized for life because he’s a reckless idiot.

If you leave a loaded gun where a kindergartner can get it, it’s not an accident, it’s negligence.

This shit happens every fucking day and nothing is changing.

He is pretty much like ‘I couldn’t have raped these women, they are not even really human!’ Yes...THAT IS what a rapist would say.

I want Hill to file a civil suit and I want her to win. She won’t get any money out of him, but I want him to eat those fucking words.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

Where’s the money, then, asshole?

This guy is a fucking moron, obviously, but I’m over here fuming about how I have to stare at his disgusting man tits, but you bet your ass they won’t show a woman’s nipple on TV.

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.

“Since I believe life begins at conception, it should be protected, and I believe it’s a core function of state government to defend that life from the beginning of conception.”

Per suggestion from a great commenter here on Jez, I donated to PP in his honor yesterday so they will be sending a postcard to his office to honor him for the donation. I suggest anyone does the same if they happen to be donating to PP!