Eggs Woodhouse

You ARE saying that you don’t believe her.

Claudio? Is that you?


People care about the military like they care about kids or teachers.

I once worked with Nina Starr Braunwald, the first female cardiac surgeon (she implanted the first artificial valve). She was about 5 foot nothing, and depending on the surgical set up, stood on a stool to operate. More than once, surgical “colleagues” kicked the stool out from under her as she operated. She told me

Recieving a complaint and sitting on it for months before firing someone is a pretty standard tactic by employers so it looks like they didn’t do it in response to the complaint.

I think my favorite bit is that he thinks “men have better control over their emotions” is an “objective and neutral” statement.

Your second example reminds me of this guy I was in 11th grade chemistry with. We had this awesome woman as a teacher, clearly really smart, but this one kid was always like trying to undermine her like “no you’re wrong female teacher and I’m right HERE’S WHY” and she just shut him down so hard one day like “I have

May the ghost of the first two-time science Nobel laureate Marie Curie - not to mention it was in two different science disciplines - strike him down by irradiating his ass into the next several centuries. Maybe her daughter’s ghost - Irène Joliot-Curie, who also won a radiation-related chemistry Nobel - can help out

My husband is currently doing his PhD. He was told not to have kids while in grad school. I told him I am glad we can hide any pregnancy and future children from his department chair since I would be the one having them. I am sad the women in his program do not have that privilege.

Ooh. Maybe he’s friends with my grad director told her grad students that “once you become a mother you can’t be a scientist.” One of those students was in the process of trying to get pregnant and didn’t know what to say. When she finally told the boss that she was pregnant, said boss walked around a department event

don’t forget about the sandwiches!



Remember when you were considered unpatriotic unless you had a magnetic “Support Our Troops” ribbon on the back of your gas-guzzling SUV? I guess it’s easier to do bullshit lip-service like that instead of actually, y’know, supporting them.

Yet men belong everywhere they want to go, of course; and only improve whatever domain they inhabit.

Well gosh darn it ladies. Time to pack it in. The menz said we can’t sit here.

People (men) (#notallmen) keep pointing to the fact that men do better in science / get more funding / get the promotions / make the big discoveries as “proof” that men are just Better at science and I keep scREAMING IN THEIR FACES which, I know, I know, just proves I’m an over-emotional hysterical woman but. But.

I an a Marine vet (89-95). This was a problem back then, and it is the reason why now, when people ask me if I would ever want my son or daughter to join the military, as my family has done for four generations, I say ‘hell no’ and keep my medals hidden in a box. Because a military that holds its own members in