Eggs Woodhouse

I’m sure he meant it well, but the whole “blossoming as a woman” thing is super-skeevy uncle territory.

Goddammit, Luke. What a loudmouth.

Considering that those two are in their thirties, but both still look like fourteen-year-old kids, their baby will likely be Benjamin Button.

Don't do it!!!! Bangs are cute but they are a pain in the ass. I wouldn't recommend them unless you're really good at cutting your own hair. -signed resentful bang owner since 2010 because I have a giant forehead.

What is it about men like you? Men who cannot see for a second that women calling out other men for saying awful things about us isn’t an attack on all men? Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I mean, this isn’t the first time Pete Campbell’s baby mama kept her pregnancy and delivery a secret.


It’s ALWAYS the overweight, unattractive men going on and on about what level of attractiveness is appropriate for women.

Well, they are adding two white guys with glasses. They are hitting the glasses wearing population which is truly underrepresented in television. TV assumes everyone has 20/20 vision. Some of us are forced to wear glasses and it’s nice to see our population included.

Listen, I am as messy as they come (not dirty, there is a distinction!), but I have the good sense to choose my angles so as not to put my shameful messes on display. The only thing worse than being messy is being stupid. I think it was Winston Churchill who said “I can clean up these piles tomorrow, but you madam,

me during these updates instead of a popcorn gif

So... they condemn “non-natural” families composed of non-biological family members but support adoption...?

Thank you. He would have laughed. There were endless family jokes about it. Dark humor gets you through I guess.

While I hate to be dragged to his level, has he ever looked in a mirror?

Yeah, how about you don’t try to help?

I totally understand why we moved toward deinstitutionalization in this country, but what we replaced it with (pretty much nothing) means that there is nowhere for people to go when they need help.

Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach

Don’t be stupid.

The wording they’re using to describe his experience in prison is fucking foul. I’m supposed to feel bad for this motherfucker who sexually assaulted a teen, got off light for it, and only went to prison because he violated his parole? SERIOUSLY? That motherfucker should have been in jail for longer than 2 months. His

10:1 he’s gonna tinker with the monitor and get sent back for probation violation. This kid still believes rules are for other people.