Eggs Woodhouse

But the unborn are the world’s most precious resource, right?

the WORST kind of pie.

Bobby, I agree with everything you said regarding the destructive nature of Brown’s actions towards a community that faces real challenges on a daily basis, but can we also talk about what kind of weirdo orders a single layer cake?

Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong. I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story. I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the bakery associate


I want to slap everyone who is questioning why the child was out that late with her mother. If the mother went to someone’s house to do hair, what is the problem with her bringing her child with her? If she is a single mother, what else is she supposed to do? Fucking people.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

why didnt she just give him a chance u guys

As a latina, this show SPEAKS TO ME. My mom and I talk about it constantly, and I’ve never been able to relate to a character more than I relate to Jane. And oh man, when Michael said his vows in Spanish, I DIED. Like, I was ugly crying. I can’t imagine having a partner do something so personal and thoughtful. It was

I am guessing that they weren’t technically not allowing student of other races to enroll, they were just being strict about where you lived and the neighborhoods themselves are not integrated at all.

Team Michael all the way.

Last time there was a Jane post on Jezebel, it became apparent very quickly that most people are Team Raphael and actively dislike Michael. I don’t get it! Raphael is messed up. He’s emotionally manipulative, selfish and a wealth of other negative characteristics. Plus those eyebrows. Ugh!

Michael does not have a general lack of oompf. I would say despite his anger issues, he is an adult (as much as one can be in a telenovela). In the choice between Rafael and Michael, Michael wins. Rafael is the spoiled playboy that just recently learned to not always put his happiness before others, Michael almost

Another cute pic of my fave boys.

horsehair mattress stuffed with molding copies of Hustler

I thought it was him.

Pffft, next you’ll be telling me that my treadmill bike is a dumb idea.

I’ve had it with these motherfuckin’ bikes on a motherfuckin’ bus!

Whaaaat??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? is the point when we have these:

Get rid of the bikes, cut holes in the floor and make it a Flintstones bus. Everybody wins.