Eggs Woodhouse

My guess is that the direction things were going was shit, because RBG, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer would not do us like this if they thought making a decision would result in a good outcome.

Wilmette is about 2 hundred yards north of me right now. How strange when national news happens where you live.

Anybody who says this is ok because “every company does it” needs to call their mom and ask to hear the “if everybody jumped off a bridge would you do it, too?” lecture again.

The [Sun] story said the mostly female workers earn 4.30 pounds a day, or $6.17, and could never afford to buy a pair of Ivy Park leggings, which can cost 100 pounds, $144.

A lot of people seem to define “housebroken” as “often goes to the bathroom where they are supposed to”. I can’t fathom the people whose pets have “accidents” multiple times a week but are housebroken

I have met many a person who calls their pet “house broken” and the whole house smells of animal piss. I don’t think they know the meaning of the term.

They’re hardy animals, unlike those sissy longhorns.

I’m so glad this is here - I read this announcement this morning and had no one to titter with. That an article about a couple of feminists started off with the gendered phrase “shrinking violet” perfectly set the tone for the rest of the announcement. I couldn’t ever decide if the writer was clueless or just trolling

Over on I Thee Dread, they used to call those the lentil brides: “Oh, it’s really nice that you’re spending $10,000 on a commericalist snoozefest: we just want to have a really big party with a lot booze!” Congratulations, darling, that’s—a wedding.

Ugh, yeah, we need a new category, instead of bridezilla, for brides who think they’re doing everything differently and aren’t. I was one of those (I like to think, to a slightly lesser degree, but perhaps not); I was all, I don’t want to make my bridesmaids buy new dresses! I don’t want them to exactly match! Just,

I think whoever writes Vows hates that column. There’s always a barely suppressed hint of “I HATE THIS JOB I HATE THIS JOB” undercutting every word. It’s even better when they clearly hate both of the people involved:

The article seems a touch insufferable. Not this one here on Jez, but the original. I could be wrong, but I have no intentions of clicking through to find out.

But I thought in America you had a right to bare arms...

I’ll show myself out...

STOP! You can’t write the rules down! They must be vague, arbitrary, and specific to every different situation, location, and denomination so that when a girl or woman inevitably puts a foot wrong, the people in charge can say “It’s not our fault you didn’t know your outfit would outrage the old folks/distract the

I thought that dress was an odd choice because it seemed more cocktail than meteorologist, but not because her scandalous shoulders were showing.

America needs to have a referendum about when women must show skin and when they cannot, since there doesn’t seem to be choice for them. My understanding so far is:

WTF this is ridiculous. As someone else said, what man has ever been asked to change because they were wearing something inappropriate at work.

I imagine it going down something like: “Do you know how fast you were goi-” “I put my sword through Ramsay Bolton’s face this season.” “OH THANK GOD.”

Also, Courtney and Doug Stodden are expecting a little Eugene or Eugenia.

‘First night and 2 girls are on me,” Hof said