Eggs Woodhouse

I had multiple people come up to me and ask if I didn’t get the invite because my presents weren’t pink.

Thanks for the info...I fixed it. Next to get a “my tomato plant is smarter than your honor student” bumper sticker.

As soon as I found out I was having a girl, I started wearing a pink bow in my pubic hair.

Because the need to express your gun fetish supersedes the need to reveal the gender of your child.

Why is this a thing? It’s just another way to add to the countless narcissistic events tied to having a baby.

I’m just having everyone who wants to know pay me $5. Including my husband.

The only type of gender reveal party I ever want to be at is one where the baby is revealed to be a female... unicorn.

I’m very hhappy that The PCP laced weed I sold you guys worked

i wish to just wear nipple covers when i’m out and not wearing a bra. i hate that i’m self conscious about my nipples showing through.

You know, people who want to get guns have found loopholes to skirt around waiting periods in states where they are on the books. Maybe we need to set up Abortion Shows where all those rules can just go out the window? Or perhaps figuring out a way to do online abortion sales?

Up next!

How long is the waiting period to buy a gun in Louisiana?

why is it that every male who thinks he owns my uterus always looks so fucking happy about it?

Next will be a 9-month required waiting period.

Zimmerman is auctioning off the gun he killed Trayvon Martin with as an item of “historical importance”.

Weak, insecure men will be the death of us all.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

I don’t know if it is my love for Stewart clouding my judgement, but it seriously just sounds like he admitted to never hearing those rumors before, which is believable because the only reason I know of those rumors is because of this site.

This. He hasn’t been found not guilty by reason of insanity, which is different. If treatment is effective he could go on trial for something eventually. And frankly, we don’t know if he’s decompensated further since the murders took place.