Eggs Woodhouse

Somebody posts something like this to YouTube?

Ruby Rose’s character was the worst. What a waste. I need Nicky back.

As long as Poussey sticks around, I'll watch.

Would just like to remind everyone that CPCs receive federal funding

I had an unintended pregnancy a few years ago and didn’t have insurance, so I went to one of these places thinking I would just be getting a pregnancy test to confirm the home test (I now know that home tests are rarely false positive - wishful thinking on my part). I was freshly out of college, working part time, and

It’s such a relief to finally - finally! - get to see a woman on TV unapologetically show just how angry topics like this make her. Makes me feel less alone with my unbridled rage.

They can be even more insidious. In my college town, the crisis pregnancy center was basically on campus, but to get to the planned parenthood, which was only open 4 days a week anyway, you had to get on a bus and go to the outskirts of town. Seriously fucked up. and that PP didn’t even do abortions, all they could do

They really do like to be super close to legit family planning centers. When I was in college, there was a PP like a block an a half from campus that shared a giant building (sort of a small mall-type setup with a bunch of businesses) with a CPC. By 18, I’d already been to PP with high school friends who needed the

Yeah (btw apologies for the family overshare) in this case sister is milking the mindset that if you choose to have a baby you're a saint. She's lucky my parents were dying to have a grandchild and are willing to raise it/pay her way.

WHAAAAT. That does not sound like a healthy situation in which to bring a child.

Reminds me of Cool Story Pug:

I watched this with my husband, who had no idea about any of this stuff. He was shocked and livid the whole time. Sam Bee is doing great work.

I have had a protester throw their fucking 5 year old boy in front of my car to stop us from going in to a planned parenthood.

what are we calling this? Appalled Pug? because I want it to be a thing.

Is Patton already working again? Damn. I doubt I could be doing comedy if I were him. I still kind of tear up just seeing him.

They cite the First Amendment and so far, courts have bought it.

So I am guessing this new law will protect them from lawsuits for impersonating medical personnel? Giving fake medical advice?

Sporta explains that these centers use names that sound similar to those of abortion clinics—including typefaces and logos—and staff people whoseem like medically-trained professionals, but aren’t.

just want to say how grateful i am to people like samantha bee, john oliver, and jon stewart.

Preach. I’m pregnant with my fourth child (yes, I’m crazy) and I keep going into my doctor with new problems and she’s like “Well yeah. That’ll happen.” Dude. I have read much and experienced much and I still don’t know shit. Tell people these things!