Eggs Woodhouse

Can I ask about your blood clot experience? I have this unsettling fear in the back of my head that I’ll just drop dead when a clot hits my brain and my family will blame birth control for my untimely demise. I also have an anxiety disorder, if you couldn’t tell :)

I agree with your comment but let's take it one step further.— If someone is working, WORKING like honest people do, then why does it matter if they are middle school drop outs or have the highest degree of education? We should be content with the fact that they are gainfully employed, being responsible and hard

He's just being an ass. This is the kind of person that becomes the basis of a story on BCO.


This guy obviously has never worked in a restaurant and has no idea.

I'm not sure, Deranged Santa and his limp bacon do have the power of Instant Panic Attack. I think we'd need an actual cage match to settle the matter.

You've obviously never had a yeast infection, bro.


There's a twitter post out there, that I liked when it was copied to tumblr. It said something like "If I had a nickel for every time someone older than me told me millennials are lazy/greedy/entitled I'd have enough money to buy a house in the market they ruined."

The best customer I ever had at the zoo snack shack involved popcorn. I usually turned the machine off thirty minutes before closing so it would cool enough to clean and ten minutes before closing bagged all the popcorn in ziplocs to turn into bird treats. Generally this was hunky dory, I only sold a bag or two a day

And these entitled fucks think if you go to college you get a good job like they did when they were young, before they destroyed society by doing a bunch of coke and voting for Reagan. "This'll work fine!"

"Your job is to serve us and do what we say. You're not supposed to talk back."

Re: Becca's story.

I doubt any of these people are self aware enough to recognize themselves in the stories. If anything, they might think "Hmm, this story kind of reminds me of the time I had that terrible server who wouldn't give me the popcorn I wanted".

"Your job is to serve us and do what we say. You're not supposed to talk back."

There are two types of customers: those who adhere to a Copernican/Galilean heliocentric model of the Solar System and those who don't. The former are rational human beings who understand that the world revolves around the Sun. The latter are unrepentant assholes who are truly convinced that they are the center of

I am popcorn Santa! Thank you for spreading my message. May you all have free boxes of popcorn, forever.

so good.

This, THIS is what a normal, sane person is talking about when they're saying that a business can and sometimes should refuse someone service. The utterly insane assholes who start off treating the staff like slaves and go downhill from there. The POS who threatens their way into free stuff because they know a

Air Force Brethren must be friends with Wig Lady, who thinks "I'm pretty sure my granddaughter worked at Hollister for the summer, back in the 90s" means that I should give her a mall employee discount. Please, continue to play Six Degrees of Barely Relevant so I can come up with a reason to give you sixty cents off