Eggs Woodhouse

It's about ethics in cake decorating.

Ha, I also feel like Jesus wasn't this much of a dick. :-)

Vitameata *hic* vegamin!

I approve this because it would make 'Stretchy Fun Time Pants' a valid term.

That’s a fair point. American christians do not understand what real persecution looks like because they’ve been the powerful majority the whole time. What they describe as infringement on their rights is actually just functioning secularism, but they do not seem to understand secularism as a concept either.

Just a small correction: You’ve had it with AMERICAN Christians and their false sense of persecution. Christian students were gunned down in Kenya this week specifically for being Christian, so let’s not pretend that Christians aren’t still routinely persecuted all over the world. But, yeah, American Christians who

Look, good christian children should only have to do exercises inspired by the bible. Like dodge ball. Which is just stoning without rocks.

my religious freedom is being attacked because there are other religions

Oh lord, I used to work with a lady like this. Our desks were side by side and she would chat nicely and ask me what I was doing after work or making for dinner etc. She asked me a few times if I was going to yoga which I thought was maybe interest in trying it out herself, so I invited her to come with me to a class

Not going to lie - I would be more likely to attend.

Could they just rename it Stretchy Fun Time Class?

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Meanwhile, the schools around here offer Bible History as a related arts class and nobody is trying to sue...

Jesus always struck me as the crossfit type.

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-

I think I’ve got the creme de la creme. When I was 12, my family took a trip to Disneyworld. The first day there we did the usual rides, food, etc. (Tower of Terror is the shit!!!!). While waiting in line for The Great Movie Ride I started getting a little groin pain. At first I thought I just really needed to pee.

I have a super dramatic fainting story. When I was in college, whenever I came home for breaks I had to go to church with my family (I was an atheist then as now, but it was a requirement of the house.) It was a super conservative catholic church with latin mass. It goes without saying there was to be no eating before

That is a nice place to throw up.

Oh my gosh I’m actually here when a Pissing Contest goes up! And I have a story! The fates have aligned!

Okay, so, I was on a field trip, I was 10 years old, we were on a bus, I get bus sick. So, obviously, I threw up on the bus on a field trip aged 10. Boring story. EXCEPT! I _knew_ I was going to get sick, and when I

(I am writing this on behalf of my dog).