Eggs Woodhouse

I should also take this opportunity to say, to the assholes who are so fond of telling women, "We're not mind-readers! If you don't like something a guy is doing, it's up to you to tell him!": Dudes, if it's obvious to an entire group of blind-drunk women that a stranger is uncomfortable, then it should be obvious

I was on a cruise with my wife, and we had a beach party excursion in Cozumel. She was laying on the beach while I was in the water chatting with these lovely people I met. This guy came up to me, drunk, and put his arm around me and kept trying to feel me up. The one woman I was talking to, who was closest to me, put

Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly

If only there had been a good guy with a chair, this could have been prevented.

"I'm not a raging drunk misogynist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night!"

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

Ugh. I had to have an extremely drunk asshole bounced from a bar during my friend's bachelorette party. He kept coming up to the girls in the group and getting in their faces, trying to grab their drinks and touch them. It took 3 different visits to the bouncer and manager to get him booted. I finally grabbed the

No one should ever stay off deep dish pizza.

Fat jokes: the last vestige of people who truly have nothing intelligent to say.

I would be interested to see how the median income required to be middle class in any given state differs from the median income required to be middle class in that state's major urban centers. For example, I feel as if the amount that would be considered "upper-bound middle class" in New York, would be just middle

“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.

Is there a place where we can tell them to “Gofundyourself?”

Word. This is basically me IRL

My sister is currently traveling in Europe. Her travel buddies pranked her by telling her that the lights for the hostel (the shared community shower) were clap-on.

I had tacos at my wedding

A wise Yelp comment: "This is a transparent attempt to fly the Christian martyr "mean Gays are calling us bigots" flag in the hopes that other mouth-breathers in the area will rally to them and their crappy pizza the way Southerners rallied to Chick Fil-A. Deny them the oxygen of your outrage, and their uninspired

Patel clearly fired her in retaliation for exercising her right to free speech.

A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.

but you don't mention whether she divorced her husband for running away. She divorced him for running away, right? Right?

Ah, sweet divorce.