Eggs Woodhouse

I don't know what just happened. .but with that headline I think I just became a Mark fangirl.

"'food is not love,' Ham says. "

Seriously. We give our Dachshund tons of love and affection, but he's made it clear he would cut us if he could just to get to our dinner. And god forbid we try to open a package of human snack—he is convinced anything that comes in a plastic pouch is for dogs ONLY, and will freak the fuck out. Oh! And he quite


"he reached roughly the weight of 4 or 5 dachshunds"

Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

Thanks, Oprah, for inflicting Dr. Phil on our national culture.

"She said Martinson placed food and juice in the room for the girls, according to the court document."

Everything about this story makes me livid, starting with their wanting to separate a family because "Marsha and I always planned to have five children". These abominations would split up traumatized siblings because it didn't conveniently fit in to their plans. That should have absolutely been a red flag right from

The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,

Getting approved to adopt through the foster care system is sooo not easy. My hubby and I have been working to get approved for almost a year with making changes for the home study (although to be fair-our home that we live in is pretty ancient) so that we can meet the standards of providing a safe and loving home for

Hey, can't prosecute them for their sincerely held religious beliefs, guys.

One guy who had a crush on me in jr high actually got a teacher to ask me to a dance on his behalf. I said no, told my parents, and they raised some holy hell with the administration. Because teachers should never, ever use their authority to pressure students like that.

Not to mention how many of them are structured to make it look like the WOMAN is being awful. Like, ugh, what a stuck up bitch! She wants to keep dating her stable seeming handsome doctor boyfriend instead of this zany type who keeps showing up every goddamn where she goes? WOMenzzz!

maybe if we stopped pretending like it's cute to wear someone down, we could then also stop pretending it's not okay to say yes, too. They go hand in hand...empowering people to make decisions they want by respecting and trusting them when they say what those wishes are.

As a high school teacher, I watch relentless pursuits on a regular basis. As I much as I feel sympathy for young people in the throes of unrequited love, I will personally intervene if I witness harassing behaviors. Just had to gently, but firmly, ban a kid from coming to my class in any hour that wasn't the one in

And to those people I say: My mom went out with my dad because she wanted to meet my dad's roommate. He badgered her into dating him. He had to badger her into marrying him.

They fucking hate each other. It sounds romantic from the outside, but it is not. cute. up. close.


I'm trying to curate a fresh and innovative experience for you. One that blends the modern and contemporary with echoes of the past.

What with Molly Ringwald, Mark-Paul, Tiffany and Debbie Gibson (sorry. Deborah.) updates, I feel like this is what having the internet in 1989 would be like!