Eggs Woodhouse

Ah, Waffle House. I was driving from New York to New Orleans about a decade ago, and I stopped at a Waffle House somewhere in Tennessee. At the time, I was wearing a leather jacket and some Sketchers loafers; nothing fancy or weird, but the Sketchers were a little futuristic looking at the time. I sat at the counter

The allergy one makes me remember yet again why my brother and sister-in-law have a fondness for Disney.

Because ... that's representative of all or most Midwestern food? There is absolutely nothing that could be called gross in the West, Southwest, New England, Mid-Atlantic, South, etc.? Sue me but I don't think how Cracker Barrel cooks a steak necessarily says anything substantive about Midwestern food.

I was once in a "fancy" Chinese restaurant in Chicago for my birthday and they had just waxed the floors. EVERYONE was falling down. Servers, customers, everyone. It was bizarre and hilarious. The management was losing their minds over how many meals they were comping. I wiped out before I even got to my table. My

Got into an argument last week because my husband put mayo in the mashed potatoes he made for us and he didn't say anything until after I'd eaten it.

Pork Wine. The OTHER white wine.

Or maybe there is no "Midwestern food sensibility," just "food sensibility"? I've had shitty food on the coasts and I've had amazing food in the Midwest. There are steakhouses in the Midwest that would never, ever cook like a steak like goddamn Cracker Barrel does, yet I suppose they'd be lumped into the "Midwest food

Mayo is the devil's condiment.

I agree. We Midwesterners know our steak. Just don't go to somewhere not known for their steak and order it. Now, chicken fried steak from Cracker Barrel, and they would have been good to go.

It's weird, we consider ourselves Midwesterners here in Chicago, but I'll be damned if this whole "Midwestern food sensibility" applies to the city. The idea that a place serving steak defaults to medium (instead of medium rare) is insane to me. Hell, I get my burgers medium rare any time I get the option.

Today is my 8th straight day at work (at a coffee shop rife with monogrammed thermosery). After placing our weekly order this morning I have been refreshing the Kitchenette homepage repeatedly waiting for comic relief. Pinkham, you've restored my sanity yet again.


I see you trollin' with your "Midwestern food sensibilities."

Before I start, let me say I was a server for a decade, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for all service employees. But this story has become legendary in my family, so: Mr. Tigger and I moved for his job from the East Bay Area in CA to Austin, Texas. On our first date night after moving, we went out to

Twitter is for people who want attention, but have no clue how to aquire it.

I'm so happy for Zephany's parents but I wonder how Zephany feels. The Guardian article didn't quote her and I can't imagine how hard it would be to find out the people you thought were your family were actually your abductors.

The Obama's had burgers and fries once so she can't encourage people to eat healthy foods? I'm pretty sure she's not trying to outlaw fries or oreos, just make sure that children grow up having junk food as a special, infrequent treat instead of a cornerstone of their diet.

One time I asked this girl I knew to the senior prom.

This photo may represent the greatest concentration of Would Not Bang that I've ever seen.

This one happened to me, relatively recently.