Eggs Woodhouse

I'm going to miss that white and gold uniform he wore.

My dad, who was a huge Star Trek fan, passed away a few weeks ago. Here's hoping you're "boldly going" with Mr. Spock, dad.

I know he was 83 and that is considered a good, long life by just about any measure, but I was still not prepared for a world without Leonard Nimoy in it. Such a lovely man who brought to life one of the most iconic scifi characters of all time. He made so many nerdy kids (and adults) feel like it was okay to be a

I've already said this, but I can't help but repeat it. My twin cousins played the baby from Three Men and a Baby, which Nimoy directed. He was the nicest guy on the set and treated the girls like a granddaughter.

Reminds me of my second grade birthday party. I invited a bunch of kids and only one showed up. Very small outing to Showbiz Pizza.

I am feeling so fucking good about my parenting choices right now and I say that as someone who accidentally kicked my sick child in the head yesterday (dark hallway, kid unexpectedly on floor just inside doorway, bygones). Thank you Heather Young. Thank you!

yes please! I am also in academia and often feel like women in my field who dress in a way I consider professional are seen as shallow and aren't taken seriously. But I love putting together outfits like what's shown above and I'd love to see what others are into. (PS: +1 if you can guess what discipline I'm in...)

Interesting and I would love more millihelen posts on academic dressing...there are certainly enough of us around on jez! I personally favor skinny black pants and a blousy teaching look is basically the second look but with ankle boots instead of flats.

1) You look awesome. You look professional. Love it

Also, "female bleeding"? Female bleeding is when I nick myself with an xacto knife and stomp around my apartment screaming swear words.

I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.

Instead of releasing her medical records she should just present them with the IUD they removed, preferably still covered in blood and bits of her uterine wall.

If my anxiety caused bleeding, I'd need a mop everywhere I go.

This is infuriating on a couple levels. I am of the opinion that it would not be okay to do this to her even if she was struggling with only anxiety.

We judge each other a lot by our homes and judge each other's class position by our homes; homes are a symbol of our class..

Congratulations on the one year anniversary and Pinkham's Law. You've been a delight, so far. :)

I truly understand the need to be comfortable. But getting my millennial (22 year old) son to get dressed for ANYTHING that might require something other than jeans and sneakers has become a raging pain in the ass. I had to convince him that jeans and a t-shirt are not appropriate attire even when all you are doing

Macys is chronically on sale or clearance, so what ever

All you millennials

Yep! Every year, I do this lesson on conformity and ask students if they consider themselves "individuals" or not. It involves me asking all the ones wearing jeans to stand up. For years, the class would dissolve into laughter when they looked around and saw so many others wearing denim. Not anymore. MAYbe two