Eggs Woodhouse

I saw Christie Brinkley at the aquarium in Boston, just behind us at the ticket counter. At first I was just struck by her radiant beauty; she emanates light. We made eye contact, and I recognize her, "that's Christie Brinkley!". She must have seen the light bulb go off, because then she winked at me and put her

I love that Dwayne Johnson is a Meryl fan. Now I want to know which of her films is his favorite.

if kbell and dax have been doing couples therapy i am once again super impressed and inspired. what a healthy responsible choice for parents in such a unique situation.

Poor NPH. He tried his best, but the Oscars just aren't really his thing. He needs to stick with shows where he can cut loose a little bit, the Oscars a little too stodgy for someone like him.

Those eyelashes are ridic. Truly at some point she will look like Snuffleufagus.

Don't wear dresses up to my earlobes? Dude, that's called a turtleneck. You know nothing, John Snow.

"You know Tina, the Devil takes your soul every time you orgasm? That is why your mother is still a pure woman today!" (I'm just guessing based on the image, I have to wait until I am done with work to be sure.)

My MIL for sure.

That family is rich as fuck, but didn't hire a professional photographer? No sympathy.

You had one job, Mr. Groom!

I had a big hand in planning my sister's wedding reception - my sister had a destination elopement of just her and Mr. Groom, with a small reception when they got back to town.

I wouldn't say it was 'royally screwed up' but we did have a bit of fisticuffs. Our venue is on a private school's campus. It used to be the convent and is now the library for the school in one part and a reception/wedding venue in another with the nuns living on the 3rd floor. The school isn't so much in a

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Do yourself a favour: watch this immediately. Try not to die laughing.

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and, quite possibly, your life.

I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow

Bad things about Steve Carrell: He is not, currently, my best friend.

Garcia Marquez is one of my favorite authors, but he was in there because... Movies based on his books? Weird

They could have included some of those marketing executives on the online one, to make room for her on the air...

So, if I say "skinny" when ordering anything at Starbucks it negates the 800 calories, yes?