Eggs Woodhouse
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Golden Retrievers also love spaghetti. They are #1 in how fast they eat it.

I'm gonna go with the apostrophe on that one. URGE TO KILL material, there.

You and I can share a meal anytime.

I was surprised when they got married. I've been an alt country fan since...well...forever, and it's always been well known that Ryan Adams is a mean drunk who treats people really badly. Amazing musician, but not a decent guy. And Mandy just seems so nice and down-to-earth. I mean, I know that's the image, but I've

I know next to nothing about either of them but I just want to say that picture of her with this post is GORGEOUS.

Where I live there are a lot of stray animals. I see mainly cats as dogs are considered the US equivalent of a rat.

This customer is my rambling, over-clarifying soul-sibling!

Peperoncini on pizza is the best. Olives can get the fuck out.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we

I really applaud Ellen for having Johnny Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow on her show at the same time, and then finding a game in which neither of them have to speak. Well done.

"Paul Bettany (I'm not even really sure who that is)"

We always write "beware of licky dogs" in our comments section when ordering pizza. Never fails to get a laugh. And one driver arrives with dog biscuits in his pocket for our furries. He always gets a very generous tip. (Well, they all do. That's how come we have piping hot pizza delivered in under 20 minutes every

Paul Bettany is lovely, just sexy as hell.

I'd give the person the upgraded ingredient for no extra charge for that incredibly considerate/OCD spiel. I might even just straight up pay for their pizza.

Gwyneth, texting your assistant to tell them to pick you up some red lingerie made from organic cotton hand-spun by yoga masters and sold in an exclusive Manhattan boutique for $5799 does not qualify as "sexing".

And boy was he embarrassed when they got out.

I'm going to use this as a platform to say—is anyone else mildly bothered when someone (everyone?) calls them "peppercinis", completely dropping a syllable?

Hold fast, the statute of limitations will expire soon enough.

Didn't this also happen last year at a McDonald's?

Related: a couple years ago I ordered 2 double cheeseburgers at a BK and they accidentally put 3 in the bag. I didn't return the burger. Whenever I see cops I have to hide my face from them because they're probably looking for me and that burger.