Eggs Woodhouse

Well ...

Hello Jezzies!

It also raises the subject of even people who work jobs you find abhorrent being every bit as good and necessary as you.

The thing that bothers me most is: if a business would fail as a result of providing its employees with reasonable pay, doesn't that mean the precious "free market" has selected that business to fail? Isn't the whole point of the unfettered capitalism these people call for to allow good business practices to thrive,

This repeatedly-raised point is such a crappy false equivalency. "But then who will I get to look down on?!"

but i haven't done you any physical violence- so now your additional laws include theft. let's absolutely ignore your insane slavery false equivalency... actually, let's use it.

and going back to you could and should- in terms of economics, with regards to unlivable wages, if you're a company who CAN, you fucking SHOULD. no employed person in the united states should struggle for basic necessities: high quality, well balanced food, suitable housing that provides a level of privacy for all who

Wasn't it the same problem with the Health Care thing and Papa John was like he was going to have to pass on the cost to customers and it was revealed to be like fifteen cents per pizza and then they did a poll that said the customers would be glad to pay the cost?

no colin dont take this from me

You are HILARIOUS. As a lawyer, no, no we do not enforce almost any laws with violence. We enforce them with fines and jail time. And thus ends my attempt to forcibly remove your head from your own ass, because you so clearly like it there.

If tax laws arent enforced with violence, why did the NYPD murder eric garner? racism? is the black police Sargent that was in charge on the scene racist too? I'm not saying it's impossible but is that what you believe?

He means that when a government mandates the installation of this:

I think you're conveniently forgetting that in this country, laws enforced with violence are reserved for the person earning minimum wage, not the person paying that wage.

I'm looking at this thread of crazy and laughing my ass off. Someone needs to find the gif of the point sailing over the stick figures head.

Laws enacted to control businesses are enforced with financial penalties, not violence. What happened with Eric Garner was an issue of police behavior, not a fault with the law itself.

Are you just picking words out of a hat at this point?

This is bullshit. The people working for slave wages in fast food joints have it SO good. They don't need a living wage or heath care. Working yourself to death for a pittance is the American way and their tears make the cheap burgers taste delicious.

Nancy, what the fuck are you talking about please.