Eggs Woodhouse

Maybe if more people were PUNK ROCK it would.

Without the hyphen in your headline, you're telling us the mattress is the one attending the State of the Union.

OK, Ladies (& Gents). Having a pretty serious issue and would like your feedback.

The everything the same color no-no can be achieved with food coloring. Silly, I know, but once my husband complained about a bland looking dinner, I turned the mashed potatoes into purple fluff.

Second SNS post: I recently applied for an amazing job in Germany!! It's an awesome opportunity and it would me a somewhat easy transition because it's still a federal government job. It would expand my career a ton, plus I have always wanted to live in Europe! Wish me luck!!

That's kind of how he keeps himself employed.

I have seen it happen with a kid with selective mutism, and it was pretty great.

Flush your body out with water, a little Gatorade, and some soup, a cracker if you can. If you have food poisoning (maybe a mild case?) that's what I'd recommend. I'd recommend it for a virus too. Stay hydrated, but don't put anything heavy on your stomach until you can handle it. Straight Gatorade can have a

I'm really grateful for this open, anonymous space right now. This week I was diagnosed with OCD. I don't have too many rituals, but I have "intrusive thoughts" like crazy. I'm so anxious and high strung because of them all the time and as it's also exam time (I'm in grad school) so I have to keep reminding myself

I made pesto tonight and it was the TITSSSSSS (I <3 pesto). Served it with gnocchi that I had made and frozen in bulk and some chicken and apple sausage from Sam's Club.

So my abusive mother passed away almost two months ago, and quite frankly, I do miss her, but I am glad she is not alive to inflict pain on me ever again.

So this is gross - according to my local news, a hospital where I had two scoping procedures last year has not been cleaning the scopes properly for the past three years. I know it was a year ago. I know I didn't pick up any diseases, but eww.

Happy Saturday, Jezzies! Rough week here, turned bullet-dodging, blessing-in-disguise better in the end, I think.

I went on a good job interview Friday. I think I got it (I got think that but I do too). It's been a rough severs years - I separated, moved cross country with my son and haven't been able to get on my feet personal or professionally. I think I could with this job. I liked the vibes in the office. So I'm asking for

My mom taught me the different bus and streetcar routes as well and stuffed a transit map in my backpack. I was the only kid in a high school history class who knew how to get from our school to the museum downtown on a trip so ended up with everybody following me. I am ridiculously happy that my mom taught me the

Or my personal favorite:

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

Guys, this is probably the only time I can brag about this (even though I try often), but when I was 19, some guy filmed a scene from a Lifetime movie in the cool hip clothing store I worked at and I was the bitchy store clerk (in real life AND in the movie). I was literally in 3 seconds of the movie but I was SO

What was that one called that had the bulimic girl who puked in jars and then her mom found all the jars hidden in her closet? That one was particularly terrifying to me as a child and so of course I watched it whenever it was on.