Eggs Woodhouse

That's *one* of my biggest issues with the anti-abortion crowd. Call it what it is - you want to defend something that resembles a sea monkey.

"Well, I dunno," Williams says, innocently. "You have a crazy-ass job, sir."

I don't know that I understand. So, the fetus' attorney can call witnesses against the pregnant teen girl and they say... what? They're testifying against her getting an abortion, so are they going to say nice things about her? Like, she's totes responsible and will be a great mom and, as such, shouldn't be allowed to

human treasure talks to human garbage about non humans, is a treasure, makes garbage mad.

As the ACLU of Alabama's Executive Director Susan Watson points out, Alabama doesn't have a statewide public defender program, meaning fetuses can get a lawyer appointed with state money, but real live, already-born indigent human beings cannot.

I loved watching this man get progressively more pissed off. She's so delightfully ballsy, even for a Daily Show reporter.

I'm picturing him communicating with his client via tomato soup can.

I grew up in the UK, but I work in finance so most of our staff is foreign, and lots of Americans come here to work in the City (and vice-versa, lots of Brits go to Wall Street). It never fails to amuse me when people put that they were a member of Sigma Epsilon Alpha or whatever on their CV (Résumé). I was a member

Ladies, I cannot stress enough how important a nice, tight casing is for your kielbasa. And if you aren't using the mustards I recommended, I will stop you and apply them myself.

The entitlement in telling another woman what to do with her eyebrows. I just — not to be obnoxious about it, but this is how women enact and enforce the patriarchy on one another.

As a teacher at a university, I will say that the vast majority of sorority girls I have had in my classes have been smart, driven, organized, and thoughtful, in spite of time spent on what most of us here probably see as this kind of nonsense. I know what I am saying is merely experiential and has a limited sample to

Oh, man. I mean, you're only young once and there's usually only one point in your life when you can really wear whatever the fuck you want and do whatever to your hair, and experiment to find what you like and what makes you happy... these directives look to stifle all individuality and make me sad.

The thing that made my blood boil was the eyeglass part. YOU CAN PULL MY EYEGLASSES FROM MY COLD, DEAD FACE YOU REGINA GEORGE CLONE!

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

If they have 15 hour days available in college to recruit, then academics are not difficult enough.

What in the everloving fuck is a "seaglass top?"

I don't think anything will ever top the cunt punt letter.

Forever grey, hope y'all will see this: Having been homeless, please let me attest to how very shitty it is to have your period and no supplies. Homeless teens have it even worse, because usually going to a shelter means someone calling CPS. For the first month, I had supplies I'd taken from home. The second month, I

What Kateperegrinate said. Contact your local shelters. Most of them have donation wishlists. ALSO, don't buy your own sanitary stuff. Contact sanitary supply companies first, tell them you are working with a non profit to procure sanitary supplies and see if you can get them for free. I once had my sex-ed

I'll help make "Because, Fuck You Jess" happen. I know one. Fuck her.