
Just like Magic in the 90's, looks like no one wants to go near him.

I’m sorry, no, there is no moral reason to root for the Lakers to succeed ever under any circumstances.

You never want to see a young man struggle in his career, but when that struggle makes LaVar Ball look like a horse’s ass, it really helps the medicine go down.

Buddy we’re talking about the South Side here, not the whole of Chicago. Cubs fandom dominance essentially squeezes the White Sox into parameters consistent with being “small market.”

Counterpoint: the White Sox have one of the best minor league systems in baseball and he can reasonably expect to be part of something big 2 or 3 years from now.

God forbid the White Sox (continue) to try to get good.

Also, why should I be upset that a superstar player goes to a team that isn’t the Yankees, Red Sox, or Dodgers?  More superstars to teams outside top 10 in payroll, please.

I think simply calling the White Sox a team that finished 4th in the AL Central last season is intentionally misleading. They’re in the middle of a clear, planned rebuild with some exciting prospects and should be much better pretty soon with or without Machado.

It’d almost be like saying it was a shame that Jon Lester

Any other team with a stacked farm system, it would be a smart choice for Machado to sign with them. Being the White Sox, they’re just a fourth place team. This exactly encapsulates what being a White Sox fan is like.

I feel some sympathy, mostly because he was DC on the greatest defense in league history and a big part of the Ravens first Super Bowl victory.  But I think he gets unfairly shit on by a lot of people because he was around long enough for a whole generation to forget the Bungles label and how absurdly bad the team was

Perhaps that’s why most movies only have the one narrative and end the same way no matter how many times you watch it?

One of Jamie Moyer’s rookie year teammates was Gary Matthews Sr.

It’s a brave new world and Jamie Moyer is your God-King.

Baines is the classic example of statistics not measuring the man. If you watched him play through his career, you know he was a Hall of Famer.

Perfect strategy in my opinion. What better person to opine on the benefits of playing in Chicago than a guy who can wholeheartedly answer Bryce’s question of “Why should I play in Chicago?” with a resounding “because it beats the shit out of Cleveland”

Apple, or Blanket, or Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116

I have no idea.

It probably helps that you’re not in a relationship with Reuben Foster.

USMNT hands down. Supposed deepest team ever, rigged qualifying system to help them make the World Cup, playing against Mexico and a bunch of banana republics, and still botched it.  While the entire world watched and laughed.

Hopefully she’s able to get away while his foot is stuck.