
I’m guessing the author has no grasp whatsoever of human history and the behaviors of wealthy men, or men in power, and the women (or men) that inexplicably sleep with them.

I wouldn’t worry much about Germany. I’m willing to bet that in his head, the Germans were the “good” guys in WWII.

Russian Twitter bots likely can’t DM...

That OBJ punt return is the Brownsiest Browns play I’ve seen in a while.

People aren’t complete idiots

That’s such a 2015 mentality. Here in what I’m going to call the new dark-ages, so-called “experts” are to be resoundingly mocked and ignored. A person’s gut instinct, backed up with zero actual experience in whatever field their gut is informing them about, is the most accurate way to decipher information.

You think Darren Rovell tips? Hilarious!

The Bengals did not draft Burfict. He was an un-drafted free-agent signing.

He has multiple face tattoos including a massive 69 on his forehead. If you think changing his name would have done any good at protecting him you’re a goddamn idiot.

The Bengals aren’t particularly good, their O-Line is in shambles and their LB’s are atrocious. That being said, they’ve scored 20, 17, and 17 points in their games against Seattle, San Francisco, and Buffalo, teams that are a combined 8-1. The Dolphins, on the other hand, have scored 16 points total through three

There was never going to be a particularly good moment for Brown to start firing off tweets like these, but he still managed to find perhaps the dumbest possible time to do so.

Idiot from a Chicago suburb.

Should we want the Dolphins, a team that’s one big moment in the sun has been bandied about and bragged about by a bunch of geriatric jackasses for over 40 years to be the worst team ever? Absolutely! Nothing would bookend their perfect season better than a perfectly imperfect season in which they were statistically

I mean, if you can’t make Mick Jagger happy, what is the point of any relationship?

But if you’re like me and love MyCareer—which with Longshot and The Journey being MIA this year is now the best singleplayer sports game mode by default

Except the Lions were the beneficiary in this instance, therefore disproving all we know about the universe as pertains to the Lions.

The entire buildup to this game’s release has been a pure and utter shit-show. It’s like Gearbox saw Fallout 76 last year and said “Hold our beer!”. Too bad, Borderlands is (or perhaps was) a great franchise.

The NRA also mentions that a number of the guns that were included in the rejected ads, including the AR-15 and bolt action rifles, were once present in NASCAR materials.

I’m sorry, but no. You do not get to spin this as Brown is the victim here. Everything that’s happened to Antonio Brown has been brought upon Antonio Brown, BY Antonio Brown.

I’m still waiting to see some bumpkin with a last name starting with ‘A’ make headlines for naming their kid something like “Marie Antoinette Grace Anderson” specifically so that they could call her MAGA.