
If anything this accomplishes the opposite. With the flattened odds, more teams on the fringe of the playoffs could easily decide to just shut it down(like the Lakers did) instead of being 7-8 seed cannon fodder, and go for the fabulous prizes behind door number 2.

of those four teams, three were bounced out of the draft’s top four selections. This was satisfying....Instead of pulling a long-suffering fanbase out of the hell of irrelevance

Continually dropping the price wouldn’t be a smart move from a business perspective. What’s far more likely to happen would be that they’d lock you into a 6-12 month deal to start so you couldn’t just go on-off at will.

Not entirely, Netflix in the UK had the new Star Trek show that in the US was only on CBS’s streaming service. The content is different, but to say it’s completely Netflix originals and Asylum movies is a bit of a stretch.

You don’t think Boston has dysfunction? LOL

Robert Kraft is secretly Clark the Cub...confirmed?

While I’m with you on the reasoning that having Rousey involved in MK11 is unfortunate, I think you’re missing the bigger picture here...

“Referees likely changed the eventual NBA champion,” the memo says. “There can be no worse result for the NBA.”

Isaiah Thomas? The injury helps justify it, but he just outright fell off a cliff.

WWE had Women’s Tag-Team belts before, when they were still WWF. While they weren’t on TV or PPV’s much, they did exist. Just because Vince and WWE have the memory of a brain-damaged goldfish doesn’t mean anyone else should.

It’s Japanese...the genitals would of been pixelated anyway.

Albies should fire his agent after this contract. Hell, any player considering hiring Albies’ agent should now avoid him like the plague. This isn’t just a team-friendly deal, this is borderline criminal negligence on the part of his representation.

He wouldn’t of had to get injured. He could have just kept not getting anyone out until July 16th. Baseball is full of stubborn managers who’ll keep trotting out ineptitude against all logic.

They were unaware? So, they (allegedly) just posed for photos of themselves rowing, for what? Fun? I doubt that.

If you have Amazon Prime Student, you only get 1 30 day sub on twitch for free. If, however, you have regular Amazon Prime you get Twitch Prime included.

Is it just me, or does that caricature of Tom Ricketts look disturbingly like Ted Cruz? 

Today in Bizarro World: Utah is less tolerant of racists than Boston.

I mean, it isn’t totally surprising, we are talking about Boston here. But...Utah, permanent ban; Boston, season and a half ban. What the actual fuck?!

This is such a conundrum of a situation. Kraft doesn’t want the video of him getting a release, released. Every person that isn’t a Patriots fan or under the employ of Kraft wants the video released. Yet no sane human being wants to actually see the video when/if it is released.

Who else exactly do the Suns have? In the game against Utah they played 10 guys, one of whom was ejected after 9 minutes (Richaun Holmes). The rest of them? Ayton (R), Bridges (R), Dragan Bender (?!), Melton (R), Spalding (R), Okobo (R), Fredette (FFS), and Daniels (...). 5 rookies (3 of them 2nd round rookies), and 3