
I’ve been fortunate enough to see countless HoF’ers play in person, across all sports. The one that sticks out above all else, even Jordan, was Ichiro.

That replay also shows him plant his feet three times after picking up his dribble, and since this is the NCAA that should’ve actually been called. So...the traveling offsets the shooting foul, I guess?

If there’s no shot clock, and no 5 second rule, as dumb and boring as this is, it isn’t necessarily cowardly, it’s taking advantage of stupid rules.

he was still able to use the little leverage he had.

allowing Landon Collins to walk. Knowing what we know now about the safety market, it would have been smarter to franchise Collins and trade him.

I loathe A.B., in part because he was a Steeler, and also due to his early 2000's diva behavior. However, to say ‘arguably superior to Amari Cooper’ is downright laughable. There’s no ‘arguably’ at play here.

Embarassed Wife/Girlfriend/CC Employee: “Put your phone away please.”
Man filming: “No thank you.”

He’s not bright enough to get the packaging off of a condom.

To be fair to your friend, and not to sound callous, there isn’t a whole hell of a lot they could have done to avoid it. Unlike a motorist, train engineers don’t have the ability to swerve out of the way, and stopping a train takes such a long distance that slamming on the brakes wouldn’t of been effective either. As

Jesus Christ, that was only a little over a month ago? It feels like it has been months. 

No, people are assholes. Cats just are paying humanity back for the rest of the animal kingdom.

People during the 2010 World Cup: Those vuvuzelas are annoying as hell.

If it were the Red Sox, Yankees, Cubs or Dodgers I’d say you might have a point. But to make it sound like Machado signing with the White Sox is such an awful premise is pathetic. The White Sox last three “big” free agent signings were a pair of Adams who struggled to even hit .200 (Dunn and LaRoche) and David

You can focus on Gase’s googly-eyes, I’m more confounded by the guy on the left’s abnormally large skull in relation to his body. It’s as if someone input the big-head code from NBA Jam and it instead applied to that guy. To borrow a line from ‘So, I Married an Axe Murderer’ “That boy’s head’s like an orange on a

Carr has gone 9 straight games without throwing an INT, the signing of Peterman is Gruden’s attempt to restore balance to the INT Force.

The phrase “I think it’s wiser that we follow the lead of Florida voters...” should never, ever, be uttered by anyone wishing to have their beliefs taken seriously. 

If any team/owner deserves a shot at Buttfumble 2: Butt Fumble Boogaloo, it’s Washington & Dan Snyder.

Oh, please, you’re giving him far too much credit. Donald Trump isn’t even remotely that imaginative or creative.

Wait...he was playing NBA Live 19 voluntarily? Who would of thought that decision would be only the second worst one he made during the day?

Montreal Expos 2.0 or nothing!