Elim the tailor

Balancing the budget!

Luck, pfff — that catch was pure GRIT

No it’s “I paid off my college loans so everyone else should too”. And that’s not entitled.

Thanks! Just nerding out over my favourite character from my favourite TV show

Dude if you think I’m a troll that all the “moderates” here need to be protected from then this is definitely an echo chamber for folks who are pretty far left.

I think it’s more that the blog and the commenters form such an echo chamber here that they don’t realize quite how far left their positions are.

Literally no person ever, when given a choice between “I will give you nice things and make your life better”

Right, and black and brown people aren’t being killed by governments in Syria, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, the Philippines, or Mali...

There might be, but I think that would pretty much ensure Centrist / Right rule for the foreseeable future.

I think demand for coding, UX, etc skills will just keep increasing as we automate more. In the same way that demand for factory jobs increased through the middle of the 20th century as mass production became the norm.

One of the rare things I agree with HamNo on is his perspective that automation is just as likely to shift labour to new sectors as it is to create a vacuum of jobs.

I think I get where you’re coming from — that wealth is a construct of a market economy (not necessarily modern capitalism e.g. Adam Smith).

But this is already the case in almost all developed countries. What UBI is calling for is raising the level of support to beyond what a lot of people consider “basic necessities”, which gives rise to the fear that a too generous safety net reduces the incentive for people to work hard and be productive members of

Ironic that once he’s in jail he’ll probably be involuntarily non celibate

Fair enough — think it’s just a philosophical difference then. If you feel that it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that everyone has a job then there is no bad time to introduce this policy.

Bernie is a federal politician whose responsibility is to craft policies that serve the country and the economy as a whole, not necessarily every last individual American.

I’m pretty sure that a proposal about full employment has something to do with the employment rate...

Weird time to be pushing a proposal like this when the US economy is already at or near full-employment

Ya it was really something that the cop didn’t discharge his weapon. Even took the time to turn off his siren so that he could communicate with the suspect. Then arrested him before his backup arrived.

I despise Hannity as much as the next person, but I can’t really see anything to be outraged about here.