Elim the tailor

Ya that seems about right according to this calculator. He’d pay ~53% tax on his gross pay less escrow / RRSP/ agent fees, which is basically the top marginal rate in Ontario.

Fair enough. But at the end of the day the tar sands are currently and will continue to be an economic pillar for the country for decades to come. Putting the right infrastructure in place to get those resources to market is a national economic priority. Since Vancouver and BC are taking on the risks of a spill,

The government offered to buy it off Kinder in the spring when Kinder threatened to pull out of the project. Politically it made sense to try to push the pipeline through, because it’s important to the economy and the majority of Canadians support it. Now the whole thing is kinda blowing up in their faces.

Ya it’s really good. I’m 95% sure it was Daniel de Ridder on Wigan

That flying header in undoubtedly the most heroic attempt to avoid a passback call ever. I definitely would’ve just used my hands and then tore into my defender.

Now playing

In the best cases their services are almost unnecessary. In the worst, their mistakes play out under a glaring spotlight where they are punished at an unforgiving rate.

The entities who fund the Republican Party do so as an investment. And that investment pays off in the form of tax cuts and deregulation.

Ya for me the discussion of whether prejudicial comments against white folks is racist or not kinda misses the point.

Think this is where Libby’s take lost me. I totally agree that the tweets aren’t racist due to white / non-white power dynamics.

I also think that blind “punching up” is helping continue to fuel white antagonism for non-whites in America. You end up with a huge chunk of the population who refuse to recognize their own

Ya I’m not going to go down the rabbit hole of hypotheticals if the US hadn’t entered the war, or hadn’t launched the lend-lease program. You also won’t get any argument from me on Deming — US logistics and supply lines were definitely the envy of non-American combatant in the war. I didn’t know about Bernays — I’ll

Ya I’m totally aware of lend-lease and I’m not denying that it was an important factor in the Soviets defeating the Germans on the Eastern Front.

Think the prize for most unrecognized contribution to the war has to go to the Soviets. They inflicted 80% of German battle deaths in the war and lost more people than the rest of the allies combined. Certainly speaks to the power of US popular culture during the cold war that a lot of folks see their contribution as

Throw Adam Yates in there too?

It’s wildling country north of Steeles

Think it might be rash red

It’s not as interesting when the race comes down to who has the better team and who can climb better.

Makes for a very awkward performance review

Ya I can’t argue with that prediction. I was born in the Philippines and we’ve had family friends kidnapped for ransom — kidnapping wealthy folks is almost a profession there. A lot of it goes unreported because corrupt police are often involved and as a result there’s tons of private security.