Kyle Lowry embodied all Raptors fans last night
Kyle Lowry embodied all Raptors fans last night
Let’s say Walmart, Costco, Amazon, etc all bump pay for their front-line workers by 30%.
Something very good can come out of this article.
From another angle though if you look at the profiles and skillsets of most folks in congress, they are likely taking a pay-cut vs what they could be earning in the private sector. If getting rich was the main objective, folks like Cory Booker and Tom Cotton would be senior partners at biglaw firms pulling in 7-figure…
Right... The IMF has the following current GDPs per capita (PPP):
I think you’d find a good number of Democrats who’ve always thought that unions are a drag on economic productivity — they make the labour force inflexible and often reward employee seniority instead of merit and output.
America already immorally favors investors with our tax laws.
Just like consumers have a choice of which businesses to buy from, businesses have a choice for which jurisdiction to build their assets in. I don’t see why you’d be fine with market forces driving the former but not the latter.
I’ll admit that I don’t have a good sense for the % of Americans who do vs do not have retirement savings / investments. I did think it was much higher than 52%.
I never claimed that this would benefit poor people who don’t have investments — that’s clearly not the case...
“So our expectation should be that we will continue to increase our dividend and our share buybacks next year and the year after that and the year after that.”
I fail to see where they’re advocating for a radical curb to immigration. Seems they want to reallocate the lottery slots to skills-based and family reunification-based immigration — which doesn’t strike me as a bad idea
Wages are determined by the labour market, not who happens to own your employer.
Very pawnographic
“Protecting each others’ rights and dignity” and pushing for better comp — good
Unions are going to be crucial to stopping the growth of income / wealth inequality. But there are two key issues (or at least, perceived issues) that I think they need to address in order to regain public support.
Think it’s all part of the plan. They’re trying to manufacture a future deficit crisis which they’ll then “fix” by slashing government services left and right.