Elim the tailor

implement a merit-based system for immigrants coming to this country. That sounds like a nice idea, but in practice such a system would give priority to potential immigrants from wealthy, educated, English-speaking countries. Which means white immigrants.

If you have the audacity to try and exist in the United States without the right piece of paper

Switching to a merit or points-based system can go a long way in assuaging common nativist/racist fears about immigration (they’re stealing jobs, leeching off the system, etc.)

Opposing unauthorized immigration doesn’t make somebody a racist against whichever group make up the bulk of unauthorized immigrants in their country when that composition is driven by factors that have nothing to do with race.

Folks who go through the proper immigration process and immigrate with permission from the government get access to government benefits, such as the child tax subsidy.

Don’t see why providing merit points for the ability to speak the main domestic language would be anything other than good policy that increases the likelihood and pace of integration.

If $2.5T suddenly comes back home… How much of that money do you think a company is going to put back into the economy in some sort of impactful way? What’s forcing them to put it back “in?”

The huge divergence between nominal and effective rates over the last 15 years paints a really interesting picture.

The thing to consider on the loopholes used to lower effective tax rates is that many of them aren’t about reducing companies’ US tax rates, they’re about maneuvering income out of the US to low-tax jurisdictions (Ireland, Netherlands, Bermuda, etc) so that it’s never taxed at the higher US rates in the first place.

Don’t think it’s as much a spending problem — US gov spending as a % of GDP is lower than most other OECD countries (even after all the military spend).

The personal and estate tax changes are pretty despicable, but dropping the corporate tax rate has been needed for a while now. US corporate tax rates have been un-competitive for the last ~15 years (even compared to more left-leaning countries like Sweden, Canada, Denmark)

Most of the other “revenue sources” you’re listing out aren’t actually revenues: issuing a bond — that’s a liability to the government; you repaying a student loan — that’s just converting one government asset into a different one (with a bit of interest revenue); parking tickets — sure that’s revenue, but it’s surely

“When the settlement was made, Chief Martel Brown, the main plaintiff in the Ontario class action suit, said something about how you can’t make everybody happy. Well, then you shouldn’t have settled.”

If the wall wasn’t going to be such a monstrous waste of money, trading DACA for a merit/point-based immigration system would actually be a great outcome.

Hamilton was lined up to go for it on 3rd down and didn’t have their punter out there. Their QB caught Winnipeg off-guard with the quick kick.

They get a lot of bad press on Splinter, some of which is totally deserved. But you can’t just not have an enforcement arm to implement your immigration policies and regulate your borders.

Yup. I’m sure we’ll all still be celebrating this “victory” when the next Lac Megantic happens