
Sure - but that’s why a reasonable, responsible, company will take measured steps and not market their CyberTruck as the ultimate do anything, go anywhere, conquer everything uber-vehicle. Hell - based on the ranges people are getting, their half-cooked release isn’t even good at the very thing Tesla is expected to

No ability to lock the diffs + extremely rigid air suspension when raised to full height means no traction. Shouldn’t be a surprise for anyone except Tesla’s marketing department.

Partial car at full price.  What a strategy!

I would suspect that aside from software issues, the suspension geometry is not ideal for legit offroading and rock crawling. Air suspensions certainly can work wonders on the road, providing the perfect balance between comfort and sportiness/control. But if maintaining a contact patch while allowing for long

Most of his dealing with the media was with sportswriters who didn’t want to piss him off for fear of losing access and were usually asking about the one thing he is good at.  That’s not an environment that is going to teach him restraint.

Every screenshot of Aaron Rodgers on Zoom looks like he just got kicked out of the methadone clinic for smoking ivermectin.

Aaron Rodgers used to present as pretty normal and even thoughtful.

Who is responsible for people like Rodgers getting airtime?

I don’t know if it’s the concussions or just some good, old fashioned, right wing indoctrination, but Aaron Rodgers used to present as pretty normal and even thoughtful.

It's so wild and busted that we even give airtime to the opinions of the terminally concussed.

If you’re into shows running the same plot point over and over, Suits is your jam!

You’re watching it wrong.   It’s an amazing show to have on in the background while you fold laundry.

It sounds like you’re having a lot of trouble getting through Suits, and you don’t say a single positive thing about the show.

Look, I was a Suits fan, but I don’t think it ever approached the level of deserving a Golden Globe award.

Yeah, the fact that they never even said their names... It was a third-tier show that got a weird rebirth on a streaming service. For them to expect that everyone knows who they are was weird.

White Collar was terrific. I came to it late, after it had already gone off the air, but thoroughly enjoyed it. Burn Notice, Psych, and Monk were the main three “blue skies” shows I watched, but I did enjoy White Collar and most of Suits (I think I bailed around season six or so). Graceland was alright. Never watched

I felt genuinely bad for Gina Torres and Sarah Rafferty. Do the producers really think that De Niro and Leo and Harrison Ford know what the hell that bit was about? Those two, in particular, got put in a bad spot, without so much as an introduction. At least Adams and Macht got a chance to get a couple decent lines in

IMO any of those old USA blue skies shows would be huge hits if they made their way onto Netflix. White Collar has always been my favorite of the handful you mentioned (Psych is my favorite overall).

There was an SNL sketch about a gameshow called What Is Burn Notice? The premise was that the contestants had to answer questions about the show that at the time was going into its fifth season, and no one knows anything about it. That’s all I know about the show.

I watched most of Suits when it first ran via Hulu or more accurately, I watched several seasons from its first until I lost interest.