
If an AI can do my job while I’m on vacation, I will not have a job to come back to.

Too many techies are delusional people who don’t understand how anyone else’s job actually runs. Governments, regulators, and courts will never allow this. As most of us know too well, our jobs require approvals, signatures, and stamps. You can’t have an “avatar” stamping a licensed civil engineer’s name and license

The internet was a mistake.

Why? These “dipshits” are just regular people for the most part. The ones losing money during these meme stock rallies are billionaires who were shorting these stocks. I’d sooner have them lose a minor fraction of their net worth to the common folk than the opposite.

He’s already worth somewhere between $30M-45M from the first go-around, depending on who you ask. Not sure why anyone would want to risk scrutiny and accusation at this point by further manipulating markets. Not saying he isn’t doing this. Just that it would be weird now that he has accumulated that fortune already.

Mostly due to nostalgia, I was crushed when they killed Oldsmobile. But I was never quite able to understand  how GMC has kept trucking along all these years (pun intended). Yeah yeah yeah, “professional grade”, but it’s a friggin’ Chevy. How are they not able to translate those profit margins into just one line of

Because the EV market got saturated quickly and demand was met multiple times over. But somehow, people didn’t see that coming because Tesla was the only game in town and their sales/production ramp was pretty crazy. Almost like all the business folks at all the other OEM’s forgot business 101 from a supply/demand

That’s based on the supposition that these crates have current insurance coverage. Which in real terms, is probably somewhere between slim and none.

A diplomat literally can. Of course their home country may take some action on their own by calling them home and putting them in prison over there, so most are motivated not to kill anyone. But for traffic tickets? There are some NYC embassies that have run hundreds of thousands of dollars in parking and other fines

Aw man... this blows. Jackson’s actually giving up his congressional seat to run for Attorney General here in North Carolina. He got the nomination in our primary, and has for the most part been an entirely standup guy in the vein of Roy Cooper, our current governor.  Cooper endorsed Jackson for Att. Gen, having been

They’re not just naive, but also lazy. Congress doesn’t read most of the bills so this makes way for a lot of bad faith bills being signed and voted for. Whether you’re a Congress member with good intentions, your ineptitude is being taken advantage of.

Cops seem to have a hard on for sovereign citizen loonies, which I heartily approve of. I just wish they had similar hard ons for Nazis, Proud Boys, MAGA degens, and others of their ilk. Guess that’s tricky though considering so many of their fellow cops are sympathizers of these groups, if not actual members.

and the reason I voted for it is because I genuinely believe the chance of a ban is practically zero

This guy has two average looking beards. Both have good shape but the face ruins it.

Remember these are “smart” people.   They will tell you that.

I was wondering what kind of boyfriend would go to such an extent to make things worse (yelling at the cops and saying “I’m sorry” while she’s getting cuffed all while staying in the car and filming), then I saw the interview.

Hmm seems like publicly stating you don’t pay taxes is a good way to end up on the IRS’s radar.

She said “I’m a pilot” four different ways in less than 20 seconds in his presence.  I have no doubt she did a shit ton of prepping for her Congressional testimony.  She is also a busy person and her time is valuable.  He didn’t listen and he didn’t read his briefing materials and so therefore is doing his job

Yep, and remember, those interns were hired by him. They’re Republicans too. They believe in the cause and they want Donald Trump to be the next (and final) president.

Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.