
Damn. I had this idea years ago, but the issue we couldn’t get around is privacy of video, that there would need to be warnings of where you were broadcasting, and how you were broadcasting that data to patrons, advertisers, or users of the site. It always sounded like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Welp. Best of luck

Oh yeah. That would never... NEEEEEEVER be exploited for corporate greed. Noooooooooooooo... not an AI Clone...

I was crushed by Pontiac. I had a Bonneaville with the sports upgrade that looked like an absolute boat, but drove like a dream. Between that and the history of Pontiac as their sport brand, I always loved their brand.


I was thinking Antarctica?

So, she mentions up front that she was from the Pilot’s Association International.

Are you saying that who she was representing was not on the agenda for the hearing? Are you saying that whoever prepped these questions just saw that it was a woman representing the Pilot’s Association, and automatically assumed that

I would not look into Southwest Airlines, Flight 1380, in that case.

Yeah, the use of the Author mentioning Flipper Zero in the headline is just pure Clickbait. The core of this process is social engineering, grabbing a user’s login info, and Tesla not issuing alerts when new digital keys are created.

Thomas, do better.

Tesla, just send out an alert when digital keys are created.

Didn’t WWE President Nick Khan get his start on Wheel of Fortune, as well?

Fuck this. Dave Thomas would be spinning in his grave.

Sounds like the folks at Reddit are already padding blame on not hitting their expected price on their IPO.

If there was a big winner in the Super Bowl this year, it was definitely the cast of Suits.

Oh yeah. Someone is definitely losing their pilots license for good over this.

This is such a dumb move by this individual, and he’ll probably lose his license, or the person filming will lose their license.

In either case, there’s going to be a time in the near future where there’s most likely going to be a heads up display attached to folks faces to help assist, including pilots.

That time is

I hope there are many, many billable hours committed to making Musk pay for idiocy.

Sounds like involuntary manslaughter, but I’m not sure what the equivalent would be in South Australia.

Year of the Dragon celebration without Sisqo?! Come on, Lego. Do better.

This is the most bullshit response / excuse I’ve seen from a car company since... well the Cybertruck. We know it’s so you can microtransaction your own infotainment system. You can’t spin this bit of nonsense.

GM, it’s going to yield lost customers, and you don’t want to put yourselves on the same decision making tree

They all just look amazingly sad. The people trying to drive them. The people selling them.

It’s like John Delorean with plenty of coke, and zero of the knowhow.

The Lone Centurion has been waiting a while to show up, again.