
I don’t think they can capture that amount of “Wot?!” in dialog form, let alone on screen.

I have fantastic taste in music, but then again, I think it’s good to appreciate it all, instead of shitting on someone’s else’s shine.

No matter how long it takes to complete, it’s going to pale in comparison to whatever we’ve had in our heads for the past 12 years, and absolutely be better than the crap Weiss and Benioff threw together over a drunken, coke fueled weekend. (At least that’s what I imagine.)

Dynamite Hack’s Boyz in the Hood is god damn fantastic.

There are so many other worse cover songs than some of the ones that are on this list, that I truly wonder if the author of this listicle is devoid of fun in their life, have their head stuck way too far up their own backside, or are just missing the point of some

Horrible news. No more rentable electric mopeds in SF. It was a fantastic way to get around the city.

He’s going to pass away and it will not be finished. Then, they’ll bring in some random author to try and finish it up.

So... welcome back to the quick ending that HBO provided. *angry fist thrown to sky*

There’s a lot of good fantasy out there, I think it’s time to let hope for George’s tale fall into the depths of the

I wonder if this is something similar to the way Microsoft addressed playing DVD’s in the original XBOX. Essentially, they had to pay for every DVD media licensing outside of gaming usage. So, they associated the charge with a remote and IR receiver. Aside from work arounds or moding your system, Microsoft only paid

Are they using and utilizing these like tokens? If so, it’s probably of benefit to Google in trying to both implement a feature, but really to allow for better tracking of your user data, especially as they try and pivot away from cookies in browser.

Then again, maybe I’m wrong, and they’re doing this for good. They

The whole title of this article makes me just go, “ick.”

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read, today.... maybe ever. Congratulations.

I didn’t say more evidence than the police. I said enough to stop giving him money.

YouTube doesn’t have to do jack squat. It’s their platform, but I’ll point these two little clauses out to you, since it sounds like you don’t like to read them.

Which means that there’s enough evidence out there for YouTube to make a business decision to turn off monetization. It’s their platform. They’re not limiting his free speech. They’re just not willing to pay him for it.

Why? I hear Woody Allen likes to be brought into adopted situations early.

Yes, you can sue for anything. Precedent can be established by the judge ruling on the case. Yes, it would come down to Unity attempting to get money from a company, like for example Microsoft or Nintendo who have games that run on Unity, and trying to squeeze them for it. Those are two large corporations that use the

If you thought this comment as witty, then I can see why some people still support Musk.

This just in. Woody Allen has announced that he will be directing a movie scripted by Russell Brand, stating “Russell Brand is fantastic, and I really see myself in him.

Louis CK is set to star in the lead role.

There’s definitely a grey area where lawsuits may be issued. I don’t believe there was much talk to their legal department before issuing the statement that they made.

Just dumb, all around poor decisions from the top of Unity.

“Listen, so we’re going to make a whole lot more crappy content under one flagpole, that is really expensive, and less quality content, because we don’t want to pay for the risk. Pay us.” - WB CFO Who Has Never Created Actual Content

Comcast Cares” has entered the Chat...

They said they hadn’t gotten to read the article, yet.

They didn’t dismiss it completely.