
Or maybe they’re bringing it up due to that show being more of an insight into what goes on at a Late Night Talk Show than others previously might have known, but your dismissive take of another person’s observation works, too...

Threads has gotten much better over the last several weeks. It’s still not up to par with twitter on a few things, but it’s definitely in the running for the best alternative as Twitter continues to circle the drain.

No matter how many boos he hears out loud, nothing is going to be louder than the cheers he hears in his own head.

Can someone tell Zack Snyder that not everything has to have a “Director’s Cut”?

Maybe someone can let him know that good directors can edit to a point where the released version is the actual “Director’s Cut.”

“We wanted better tools.”
“We are tools, so we decided to give you pretty, shiny, meaningless badges.”

I’m so looking forward to the next round of the “Find Out” stage of Reddit’s continued downfall of:  “Screw You, Pay Us.” or “We All Quit.”

“Our product doesn’t work for Office Use, even for us.”

Bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it works out for them.

This also could assist in misinformation. Add an image to a news story, create your own misinformed headline.

So, another idiotic move by Major Idiot of our times, Elon Musk.

I was going to say something along the lines of, “Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist.”

And then I took a look at your previous comments. Holy crap... you need therapy.

I had a flag up in my window for about a week that showed up on Google Maps. So, it’s not stupid. It’s plausible.

If these companies are using a “proprietary” aerial photos, it means they’re not using Google to take photos, they’re using another service to look for any reason possible to deny you insurance. If that

While at a dinner discussion going into people’s roots, it tends to mean their more immediate family. If Miss Garner offered to expand upon her own ancestors, perhaps then it would be appropriate to invite Miss King into the conversation around an exploration of her larger background.

I definitely think Miss Garner was

Perhaps, you should start with addressing your own ancestry. Letting them know the work you’ve done on addressing your own background. If you have not done that work on your own ancestry, then it’s not something you should really jump into.

If you are white, and in the United States, you also may have had a negative

They missed one of the best ones, “Scuba Gooding Jr.”

Way to step up, young man. Keep fighting injustice and racists.

While everyone seems to be knocking on this guy for what looks to be a hoarding backyard, I think folks are missing the point that if you’re moving things around in your house, on your worst day, you can lose your insurance due to automated “proprietary” arial pictures.

Having a yard sale? That’s a cancellation.

They should be. So should Spez.

Folks just need to find a platform that they can unify and move to.

This grifter is never going to make an honest living. He’s learned nothing from what happened to his crypto grift.

Why not have their powers combined and make Flaming-Hot Cheetos Deviled Eggs?

This all seems like a massive dog and pony show. I’m psyched for seeing the existence of alien life, but every description given was so vague, and so silly, the non-human “biology” could have been anything from a bird that was hit by a comet to a small group of cells that was “piloting” a random piece of space rock.


For a party that aligns itself so much with limited government interference, they really live for this type of pointless government actions that don’t do anything, and don’t help anything except claiming victimhood.

Maybe they should really change their slogan to, “GOP - We’re ALWAYS the victim, here.”

No, this is not simple harassment, but it’s what people who go to 4chan or to embrace some weird internet popularity, or “for the lols”. While this could be tied with mental illness, there are elements that are not, including racism. Do not assume this is automatically a mental health issue due to the level of harassme

Ha! I actually went to that Drafthouse and found out I just missed that showing, or I would have been in the audience as well. I’m still hoping for a sequel, against all odds, especially after TRON has picked up the last movie in a trilogy. I’ve been trying to keep up with any rumors as they trickle out. Also, I