
Even the name is peak GM. Ultifi is probably(?) meant to rhyme with wifi, so pronounced at ul-teh-fy. But I read it as ul-tee-fee and that’s a real great name guys, off to a great start.

Oh, yes. If there’s one company that can absolutely make an interface that is less buggy than Apple, it’s GM. Thank goodness we’ll be rid of that buggy mess that is carplay

Hey GM, you’re full of crap.

Or, more specifically, “Space Mutiny”. Because here are the cars from that movie:

There’s no way that Tesla will convert 40% of those two million reservations into orders. That would be 800,000 cybertrucks. At the rate that these will be produced, it would take Tesla a decade to make them all. The price has also increased at least 50% from what Musk-rat initially said further driving down demand. 

Tesla delivered its first only Cybertrucks on Thursday afternoon

Did I miss the link?

I just cant get over how much it looks like it was knocked up for an 80's Apocalyptic Sci Fi movie starring Jan Michael Vincent but got rejected for looking too stupid

It’s hilarious how big mad you are. Keep impotently raging dude.

I would love to see this in a short minisode; not sure it’d sustain a full length one, but for 5-10 minutes it would be hilarious.

Honestly, I’d love to see the greatest companion of them all return - Rory.  Dude was straight up a baller.  

Sounds like you still need it so hopefully.

I REALLY hope that’s it. Dude got screwed over and I wished he had a few more years. 

Honestly I question his grasp of reality and his business acumen. It may be “CEO math” but, I’m wondering if it’s really normal to spend $30-40 million of your movie budget to advertise it?

I'm going to throw out a WILD bit of speculation and say Christopher Eccleston turns up in this one to basically break the Who internet.

I think y’all just need to realize that he’s going to die without finishing it and some other author will be brought in to go through his notes, finish it, and make it publishable.

And then many of y’all will always be wondering or saying how much better it would have been if he had finished it instead of the other

Elon Musk: “I’m suing Media Matters because they falsely claimed that advertisers’ ads were displaying next to pro-Nazi tweets.”

“And I would have gotten away with, too, if it weren’t for those darn meddling reporters!”

Typical, blame how people react to his racism but not his racist speech.

It’s not my antisemitism, it’s the damn people REPORTING on it!”