
As much as I don’t trust corporations at all and think Disney as one is a monster (though I do love a lot of the IP and the parks), this feels good. I’d genuinely trust Disney with overseeing the parks considering how many guests they see and how they know the parks need to be safe and clean in order to actually keep

Imagine how much happier they would be if the incels just got together and started blowing each other...

This is how I felt in 8th grade when two of my best friends went to third base with cute boys and I was still waiting for my first kiss. The betrayal, the jealousy, the self-loathing. Beware, incels. It’s a short path from french kissing to giving blow jobs to randos.

So is the state going to take responsibility for accidents on rides they’ve certified as “safe” in a scenario where this comes true? (For the record I think DeSantis is full of hot air and he just continues to dig himself a hole where all of these highly specific, targeted rule changes bolster Disney’s case).

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

It’s not too late to to make an amendment!

If only A/V carts had been mentioned in the Bill of Rights, Luxor could tell those kids to fuck off straight to hell.

This is why I think that Turo for fun cars is a terrible idea. People want a fun car for one of 2 reasons.

Obviously the guy is lying. What I’m more confused by is how a near-stock Supra won anything? Don’t know how the Texas Mile works, but it’s either straight-up top speed, or classed, and either way, I just don’t see the Supra beating out all its competitors. It’s fast, but 160 mph (in context here) is not that fast.

He was elected President in 2016.


Maybe don’t put that in the fucking headline, Gabrielle. You think people won’t figure it out?

Nice to see Butthead has been so successful in life. Wonder what happened to Beavis.

yes, that was the plan all along

Just imagine you’re one of the richest people on Earth with the resources to do so much good, but, instead of doing anything of the sort, you go through the process of having a letter on a sign painted white so that it could make you and five other people chuckle for a second.

My first thought is Tom is playing a horrible joke”

I felt like i was reacting/grieving in real time with the characters for a bit in the beginning. My first thought is Tom is playing a horrible joke to get Roman to go to that meeting. Just an incredible episode from everyone involved. Sarah Snook put up Wilt numbers

Cox’s performances have had such an insane level of energy to them that feeds everyone else on the show. So much so that when he was no longer on screen it felt like the universe was imploding

Followed by the long wait before anyone remebered Connor. 

Knocked the wind out of me.  That long walk when Kendall went to find Shiv.