
Of course not!
That’s for executives only, gotta work your way up the ladder to earn sleeping bag privileges.

Oh no the gif didn’t work! Here it is:

Will it be a bunch of unused offices with cots and sleeping bags in them?

...where he controls the air supply. Sort of like Total Recall.

You load sixteen Teslas and what do you get?

It’s very funny how he’s speedrunning the arc of every insane business tycoon including establishing a doomed company town 

Among many other things this self-important psychopath inflicts, can you imagine  living in his “utopian” hellscape on Mars?

If it was awful in the past, Elon can make worse. I’m sure of it.

I’m really glad she’s getting better and has found a community and support system to help her navigate sobriety.

Oh, I know an easy trick for this - use foreign slurs! Youtube is too dumb to catch on if you use “osti de câlisse de tabarnak" instead of "fuck"

Not to mention committing libel against them in the process.

Let’s not forget the many other lawsuits that Elon still has pending on his firings. There’s a massive chance that his claim of firing the old Twitter leads and not paying them “for cause” is now in jeapordy. Of course, a guy who has literally $200,000,000 to play with can afford to be wreckless with his money. Paying

So much this. I’m not sure Elon even now realizes how much chum he’s thrown into shark-infested waters.

At this point I’m pretty sure he’s literally getting off on being a blatant asshole. See his tweet agreeing with the Fucker Carlson gaslighting version of the Jan. 6th insurrection.

Imagine owning Twitter and thinking deleting a tweet does anything. 

I don’t see any apology for Elon’s assholery, just an apology for being wrong about the guys employment status. So not really an apology at all. Fuck Elon.

I read more about this on Mastadon this morning. Remember, Twitter bought this guy’s company. He chose to have his payments made as salary so that Iceland could get the full tax. But even being let go, I’m sure Twitter still owes him for the purchase of his company. Nobody would enter into an agreement where the buyer

Regarding number 2:
Iceland is an EEA member and GDPR applies to them too. Musk won’t care, but GDPR is taken extremely serious in EU and by extension EEA. Blatant GDPR violations could see serious fines.

Highest so far is Whatsapp being fined €225 M.

The problem is that “massive lawsuits” are less than irrelevant to a person who can spend a big chunk of $43 billion, mostly on a whim. He’s not even going to need to tell counsel to take care of it. It could go away without any minutes of his attention - unless he tweets about it, which he will.