“The li’l fire breathing dinosaur from Super Mario World is named after the singer in Nine Inch Nails,” social media editor Jeb Biggart told me. “That feels pretty useless.”
“The li’l fire breathing dinosaur from Super Mario World is named after the singer in Nine Inch Nails,” social media editor Jeb Biggart told me. “That feels pretty useless.”
I’ll try for the oldest: In Ultima III (1983) if you cast the spell Dag Acron (which teleports you randomly somewhere in the world) while on a ship, your ship will be teleported with you, and you might end up in the middle of a land mass. If this happens, you won’t be able to leave the ship and you are stuck there…
The buttons on the super nintendo were arranged, starting from the top and going clockwise, XABY, which is different than the current popular arrangement of YBAX (I assume popularized by XBox since Nintendo didn’t consistently use these four buttons on its consoles in the years after).
One of the failed pitches for Final Fantasy 7 was about a gruff, hot-headed New York Detective named Joe investigating magic terrorists... ... ...It later became the basis for Parasite Eve.
I can’t think of anything particularly obscure, but in light of Jeb talking about Reznor, I suppose it’s worth pointing out the oldie-but-goodie bit of trivia that in the English version of Chrono Trigger, Magus’s three generals are named Ozzie, Slash and Flea (and are clearly named after Ozzy Osbourne, Slash from…
I mean, Trent Reznor is... all of NIN, not just the singer. And a multiple academy award winner too. Good for him for getting clean and having a generally wild ass career trajectory.
The idea that broad audiences liking something makes it immune to critique is wild. I assume you eat McDonalds seven days a week.
Right? Came here to say this. I genuinely feel like I’m watching a different show than the author. And also, glad I wound up watching the episode “live” and not waiting until this morning and seeing this headline. I’d spend the whole episode wondering how they did Tess dirty instead of just enjoying this phenomenal…
Chalk this whole piece up to the, “You’re not going to satisfy everyone,” category.
Removing the spores for tendrils is an amazing idea, because even in the game, spores being isolated to one area is 100% absolutely stupid. They would stay on your clothes once you leave the spore area. And I hate to break it to you, more than the video game audience is watching this, and HBO needs more than just us…
Have you visited Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes, my hot-take-loving friend? Have you seen the practically UNPRECEDENTED reviews from hundreds of critics and thousands of fans, mostly all agreeing the show is phenomenal? Murder porn is not a financially lucrative genre to spin such an expensive tv show around. I get…
Tess is a few things in the game, but dynamic is not one of them.
Where in the PlayStation games she was a confident, dynamic character, HBO makes Tess an example
Thanks, I appreciate it. It was a long time ago, but I’m still reeling from it. It took me a decade to realize I had PTSD from my experiences, which I only realized after watching His Dark Materials (if you really want to know what I went through, the characters mom is spot on) and I was so uncomfortable at times I…
Unlike most such depictions, however, Alice lives through manipulative emotional abuse, which as Kendrick points out is inherently more difficult to convey in a film.
Dakota Johnson roasted Armie Hammer, which is ironic because that’s exactly how Hammer would prepare Johnson.
Yeah, a pretty solid joke there, Dakota.
Roasted? I hear Armie prefers his flesh raw.
I came here ready to hate the material, but that’s actually pretty funny.
That’s the point of the scene though. There’s a weird inappropriate romance brewing between their characters. (and the peach has clearly been fucked, and he knows it.)