
Yes, she has access to resources that many other expecting parents don’t, but some of those expecting parents are also worried they’re the only ones struggling.

No one should have to reveal personal information about themselves, but there are a lot of people who have platforms who do in the hopes that they can make

I definitely feel the part where she tells people who say “just wait until the baby comes, you won’t get any sleep then!” to shut up. 100% agreed. That is completely unhelpful to say to a pregnant woman in her first trimester who is dealing with a kind of exhaustion she has never felt before. Or insomnia. Or later in

Honestly I want to snark or talk shit about people whose parents have both got wikipedia pages (wiki kids?) but pregnancy is the most extreme thing a body can go through and the difficulty of it should really be appreciated more.

Richard Hammond is no slouch, either. I love his “Engineering Connections” programs, for a start.

clarksons farm was good because caleb saved his crotchety old ass and is over his dumb shit ideas constantly.  but i bet the pay is better than hes used to.  and the dude was so happy when he bought that 350z. said hed wanted one for so long. give caleb a farming show, ditch the old guy. 

I’m a little baffled that no one stepped in to stop it while they were planning it. “Drag race in slippery-floored small tunnel that suddenly ends” screams “disaster”.

Battle passes are essentially a measure to apply pressure to the player and evoke the fear of missing out on certain items. Which they’ll do if they don’t log into the game daily. If battle passes were a fair mechanic you’d be able to keep and complete them whenever you wanted.

Seriously ... why aren’t collectible

Both James May and Richard Hammond have excellent shows and material on their own.

James did a pretty good job of crashing in Scandinavia.

Maybe I’m just becoming crotchety old man, or maybe I’m falling into the common rhetoric of “it’s not as good as it used to be,” but I found “A Scandi Flick” to be borderline bad. It certainly wasn’t good. I also wasn’t very impressed

you think that way because you only see games as disposable entertainment 

Well shit, I mean what he wrote was messed up but I want MORE The Grand Tour dammit.

Alternate currencies in games need to be illegal. There is literally no benefit, it exists only to manipulate people and confuse how much your spending.

The issue is you are paying $70+ for a new game and they’re locking some of the content behind another pay wall. personally I don’t care so long as it’s only cosmetic but I can see why a lot of people get frustrated with it as it feels like they’re being nickel and dimed after already paying a hefty premium for the

Tom Cruise, a noted friend of the Miscaviges, was not present at the ceremony, given that he publicly disavowed the HFPA in 2021 for its lack of diversity. And as Carmichael noted, the Top Gun: Maverick star and Golden Globe nominee returned three of his awards in protest.

I hope this humbles the Rock, he makes up with Vin, and the two star in the Tango and Cash remake they’ve always been destined to make.

Your periodic reminder that Vin Diesel got fired off of Reindeer Games in the late 90’s because he refused to take his shirt off because, and I quote, “I only show my guns in Vin Diesel pictures.”

Battle not with candyasses, lest ye become a candyass, and if you gaze into the bald, the bald gazes also into you.

It kind of strange when we finally realize that Vin Diesel is the leastcandyass” of this two bald guy.

That this image of the club features no sign of Nick...