
“The tech pioneer turned himself into police custody”

Pretty cool

“Don’t get me started on Doctor Strange and that little nerd back on Earth-199999.”

Someone should send flowers:

To be fair to his argument, Facebook does suck.

He literally made his fortune off of a website that explicitly facilitates remote interaction between people.

“Our early analysis of performance data”

“Our early analysis of performance data suggests that engineers who either joined Meta in-person and then transferred to remote or remained in-person performed better on average than people who joined remotely,” Zuckerberg wrote. “This analysis also shows that engineers earlier in their career perform better on

All of these Facebook/Google/Amazon layoff numbers fail to mention that they (inexplicably) all almost doubled their workforce between 2020-2022.   That context is important IMO

I’ve got some good news for you

Is this the company that makes the ugly big headed toy figures? They all belong in the landfill anyway.

Are people surprised that James Gunn is still tweeting about Guardians 3? He’s tweeted candidly about his movies for years and this is the finale to his trilogy that he’d been working on for nearly a decade. And just because he’s the head of the DCU now doesn’t mean anything, I’m sure there was something in his

No, Milhouse. No.

A friend’s mother was a PhD-level researcher in the carcinogens produced by charring hot dogs. If meat when burned can produce such toxins, I can’t imagine why a petroleum product wouldn’t.

You missed the Crafter’s use: dryer lint makes GREAT stuffing for pillows and “plushies.”

Because her home got blown up and she’s in another person’s house now, being offered sanctuary and protection in exchange for following these rules.

None of the actors on The Last of Us are really skinny & malnourished enough for a post-apocalyptic setting years after the collapse of civilization. And an entire cast imitating Christian Bale in The Machinist isn’t going to happen.

Been a fan since Heavenly Creatures. She elevates everything she touches. Haters can kick rocks for all I care.

I’m just baffled how anyone could say anything unkind about this living legend.  I really think it comes down to some people just feel so threatened by someone so talented and successful, gasp, happy, that they need to tear down.