
I saw an article yesterday where Evenko ( one the biggest promoter in Canada ) were patting themselves on the back for being the #1 promoter in Canada....they did omit to mention that they owned like 90% of the concert venues and are pretty much a monopoly! It is easy to be number 1.

Ticketmaster are pretty much the

Ticketmaster/Live Nation should be broken up but that still doesn’t change the fact that the demand for tickets exceeded the supply by many many multiples. Lots of people were going to be disappointed and looking for someone to lash out at.

To be sure, I just bought Madonna tickets here in Sweden (Stockholm, so not exactly a backwatater) with NO problem AND for a fair price. (Standing GA tickets right against the stage for what amounts to just under $160.)

“Service fees are determined by the venue” < — neglects to mention that Live Nation usually owns said venue.

Yeah, and Alex Jones is “playing a character”. But in the cases of Tucker and Alex, they’re not CEOs of a publicly traded automaker. Both are TV hucksters. It’s less of a valid defense for the CEO of a major company to say only a fool would believe him and that his words have no bearing on the market.

I mean...FoxNews once defended Tucker in a lawsuit by saying only an idiot would actually believe what he was saying. So. Not without precedent I guess.

Heck, in the 90's, Pearl Jam launched a complaint against them, then in 2009, Springsteen did too, and all they ever did was investigate, then fine them, then allow them to continue on their way, but whoa, Swifties couldn’t get tickets, so we gotta suddenly do something!.

You’re not wrong. The two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

“technical wordsmith inaccuracies.”

It’s still absurd to me that his attorney’s defense is “he was acting in a rushed and reckless matter” as if that somehow justifies his behavior or makes it look less bad.

No, it’s because he’s a thin skinned egomaniacal idiot who couldn’t back out of the deal that he famously waived due diligence for (because he’s a thin skinned egomaniacal idiot).

“Just because I tweet something does not mean people will believe it or act accordingly,”

Isn’t the reason he now owns Twitter because of a tweet?

The idea that broad audiences liking something makes it immune to critique is wild. I assume you eat McDonalds seven days a week.

Funding secured’ in his head is like me solving world peace while blitzed on whiskey and not remembering how to go about it the next morning after.

Ok, now’s he smoking crack. 420 and no pot connection my ass.  A junior high student is aware of the term and relationship.

Right? Came here to say this. I genuinely feel like I’m watching a different show than the author. And also, glad I wound up watching the episode “live” and not waiting until this morning and seeing this headline. I’d spend the whole episode wondering how they did Tess dirty instead of just enjoying this phenomenal

Chalk this whole piece up to the, “You’re not going to satisfy everyone,” category.

Musk’s lawyers have so far argued that when he said “Funding secured”, he didn’t mean “Funding secured”, he meant... “I have some idea of where funding might come from maybe if we were doing this, which maybe we are but probably not and also I’m irresponsible and reckless so you shouldn’t pay attention to anything I