
I applaud this move to wrap up the series sooner than later. While I still liked the fifth season, how far they can stretch this premise while still making an entertaining show is starting to show some cracks.

Unlike most such depictions, however, Alice lives through manipulative emotional abuse, which as Kendrick points out is inherently more difficult to convey in a film.

Dakota Johnson roasted Armie Hammer, which is ironic because that’s exactly how Hammer would prepare Johnson.

Yeah, a pretty solid joke there, Dakota.

Roasted? I hear Armie prefers his flesh raw.

I came here ready to hate the material, but that’s actually pretty funny.

That’s the point of the scene though. There’s a weird inappropriate romance brewing between their characters. (and the peach has clearly been fucked, and he knows it.)

The CCL is not one license, it is an umbrella for many.  The CCL is "battle-tested" but each individual license is its own entity and that is what will need to be reviewed plenty of times before Hasbro submits its own license.

Yes, she has access to resources that many other expecting parents don’t, but some of those expecting parents are also worried they’re the only ones struggling.

No one should have to reveal personal information about themselves, but there are a lot of people who have platforms who do in the hopes that they can make

I definitely feel the part where she tells people who say “just wait until the baby comes, you won’t get any sleep then!” to shut up. 100% agreed. That is completely unhelpful to say to a pregnant woman in her first trimester who is dealing with a kind of exhaustion she has never felt before. Or insomnia. Or later in

Honestly I want to snark or talk shit about people whose parents have both got wikipedia pages (wiki kids?) but pregnancy is the most extreme thing a body can go through and the difficulty of it should really be appreciated more.

The community is done. They showed their draconian face. Any company that was using the OGL are running for the fences. Players and Content creators are leaving DnDBeyond in troves. Now supposedly, DnDBeyond is about to go up in price from $5.99/Month US to $30.00. Hasbro is trying to corner the tabletop market and

I think it’s cute how they are still trying to sell the idea that 1.1 was a draft document.

Honestly, you don’t even need an OGL. It’s literally just an intimidation tactic because a Supreme Court case from way back when ruled that you can’t trademark or copyright a PROCESS - i.e., rules/instructions.

At this point, it certainly is a solution in search of a problem. There’s really no need for any new OGL that’s stripped of the plans to take a ruinous bite out of publishers making more than pocket change with their OGL stuff. Not even WoTC is going to get anything out of it except hate and, at best, grudging

no need to suspect it, if they had ANY plans to walk back that HUGE part of the online outcry, they would certainly have done so, loudly and with fireworks.

This response also doesn’t say anywhere that they’re going to listen or act on any feedback. Just take it and do whatever.

It’s still just a lot of nothing that WotC is saying. They aren’t actually committing to anything.

One notable omission was any assurance that the OGL 1.0a would remain available for publishing new 5e compatible material. I suspect they are going to still try to ‘de-authorize’ the old license.

The think was, Anki did get purchased by Digital Dream Labs, who is now suing Keyi Loon.