
No pictures on anyone’s face? Just renders?

Nevertheless, we are reaching a point I’ve thought about before: you know things are getting serious when they stop looking stupid. Electric cars weren’t serious until they began looking sporty (and then began just looking like regular cars and trucks). And now VR is aiming

We replaced our 16 year old artificial tree this year with one of these.  They are pretty cool.....the mapping process was a bit of a pain because you really need to have your tree in the middle of the room to do it right, but being able to customize the lights was nice.

that’d be gneiss

Call me naive, but I really had my money on shale being considered “the” rock.

The most hilarious, and most on-brand, being the reveal that Johnson demanded the studio set up a tequila bar focused on his celebrity vanity tequila Teremana at the Black Adam premiere—even though the film itself was PG-13.

I hope this humbles the Rock, he makes up with Vin, and the two star in the Tango and Cash remake they’ve always been destined to make.

Cavill’s probably even more excited to be working on the Warhammer project. He seems like a genuinely good guy, whereas the Rock...nah, he’s a meathead.

Quit babying the man, people lose jobs all the time. Makes you wonder how Leslie Grace felt when they waited for her to finish the movie, then announced it wasn’t getting released.  If Cavill’s really hurt, he’s worth about 40 million green sheets of tissue paper he can cry into about it.  Except he won’t because he

Your periodic reminder that Vin Diesel got fired off of Reindeer Games in the late 90’s because he refused to take his shirt off because, and I quote, “I only show my guns in Vin Diesel pictures.”

I’m sure we’ll get him in a stand-alone or a Kingdom Come adaptation, down the line.

Battle not with candyasses, lest ye become a candyass, and if you gaze into the bald, the bald gazes also into you.

It kind of strange when we finally realize that Vin Diesel is the leastcandyass” of this two bald guy.

The person I feel bad about in all of this is Cavill who seemed genuinely excited to be coming back to the role, only to have everything completely dashed a few weeks later.

Subaru ad: “They lived”.

It’s like the old saying: If you owe the bank $1 million, that’s a problem for you. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s a problem for the bank. 

god hes so fucking stupid. the only reason i think hes probably doing this is to get out of the leases and figures a lawsuit will cost him less money in the long run. plus he wouldnt have to pay the judgement fully or take forever to pay it.

This would be a pretty easy problem to solve . . . if he wasn’t such a prick about people working from home.

That this image of the club features no sign of Nick...

At least he can’t run for president.

Wow, what a fucking snowflake. This twat is the very parody of a right wing douchebag. If you made him up Nazis would accuse you of strawmanning... but here he is, in the flesh, the living incarnation of MAGA to take the Angry Toddler’s torch.